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Happy St George's day everyone

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Just catching up with this mornings Chris Moyles show - nice to see that even the BBC were mentioning it lots (including a bit of a rant about being allowed to fly flags and things like that)


WE ARE allowed to fly flags, but certain people never let that get in the way of a good anti "pc brigade" rant.


in fact ive been flag spotting on my home from work tonight....and i was actually quite in awe.........at the "lack" of flags :P


i saw a car with 2 of those small crappy plastic ones on small plastic straws on its roof.


next village........1 pub (had em hanging out of every window)


another village (small town) 2 pubs (had flags on every window again) and the town hall had a big one flying on a real flagpole about 30 foot up. (but that towns known as chav city...dunno if that makes a difference in the final standings)


in my village, BOTH pubs had flags and those small triangle flags on string strung round outside.


didnt see any houses with any outside tho apart from the 2 that have had one outside the window since the last world cup.


1 guy at work (who i normally argue with about muslims/immigrants/foriegners etc etc) was chuffed it was st georges day


so all in all in my reckoning.....some people are celebrating it, most people arent actually bothered about it, and generally the people that ARE celebrating it are using it to "sell their business"?


happy st georges day

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The legend of St George and the Dragon was brought to Europe by returning Crusaders. According to that story, a dragon made its nest at the water source of a city. The city's inhabitants had to offer sheep to the dragon in order to be allowed to draw water. However, they eventually ran out of sheep and the dragon demanded humans instead. Lots were drawn to see which unfortunate person would be offered to the dragon in exchange for the right to draw water.


On one occasion, the princess of the city drew the shortest stick. The king begged for her life, but it was in vain; all had an equal chance of being sacrificed to the dragon. At the crucial moment, St George appeared and challenged the dragon. Protected by the sign of the Christian cross, St George slew the dragon and rescued the princess. The grateful citizens of the city then converted to Christianity.


Yes, I read wiki too. However there was some relatively true stuff as well as the obvious untrue legend...

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If anyone's against celebrating our national day, then are they also against every others national day? Or just hypocrites?


i dont celebrate any patron saints, as ive said before its based on outdated religious traditions.

thats why ive tried giving my ideas on more "english" things to celebrate, but they were poopood, cos as in st paddys day...its fasionable to "celebrate" st george and st george only



ps ive just been listening to

the angelic upstarts - england


The red in the flag

is the blood that was spilt

in the way that your forefathers tell

And never a country been so great

The stories Britannia could tell


I never want to live my life

away from the golden shores

There's never a country in the world

with the scent of an English rose


England, oh England a country so great

the land of so fair and so true

There'll never be any colours like

the red, the white and the blue


Whenever you go to the far-off shores

there's something that goes with you

The pride and the joy and the love

that comes from your mother of red, white and blue


You could never be born under a flag

that's like the one of the Union Jack

St. George's spirit has never died

It all keeps coming back


England, oh England... [5x]


(not bad patriotic song for a bunch of anti facist, socialist skinheads :P)

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i dont celebrate any patron saints, as ive said before its based on outdated religious traditions.

thats why ive tried giving my ideas on more "english" things to celebrate, but they were poopood, cos as in st paddys day...its fasionable to "celebrate" st george and st george only


mmm, why I said 'national day', at the moment, it is what it is...


Even though i'm not religious, I can respect the choice of ol' George...

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