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Gerald Lomas of JJ Dyson


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I worked for Gerald Lomas in the early 90's when he was the President of Dysons,I was initially a bit afraid of him but when I got to know him he was a very interesting and kind man,a bit victorian in some ways but a gentleman always.I think he died at the age 76.

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I painted two portraits of him around 1980 which hang in the head offices. This gave me the chance to have long chats with him with lots of whiskey. He told me a few things about his life which included the battle of britain. He was shot down and bailed out without injury but had to spend the night wrapped in his parachute. He had the silk made up into stockings for his girl friends.

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I think he lived on Ivy Park Road-I used to deliver papers to his house in the late 60s. He had a golden retreiver which would just lie at the entrance to his house. That dog was so obedient and made such an impression that I eventually got one 30 years later! Fab house by the way!

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