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How often do you change your bed sheets?

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I have never tossed a mattress in my life... I will have you know.


:o im gonna stop reading this thread as its corrupting me and making me want to say sarcastic things that will get me into trouble! ;):hihi:



seriously im laughing my head off sat here!!!

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I know someone who doesn't use sheets or a duvet cover so he doesn't have to wash them. He does smell though.


Eurgh. When i was a teenager(17) i dated a guy who did that as sheets made him feel "uncomfortable. :huh:"It wasn't his mum, he shared a room with his brother who had a lovely made up clean bed. :rolleyes:Then he wondered why i always wanted to sit on his brothers bed when i went round to his. His bed was minging black!

Infact it was his lack of cleanliness that finally killed the relationship even though he was otherwise a lovely bloke and great in most other ways.

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Surely many things make a difference: how many people sleep in the bed; naked or with PJs; how hot things are etc and it will be clear to each individual when cleaning is necessary and that not clear guidelines can be given. Isn't that what are senses are for, sight and smell (less so taste one would hope) etc

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