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How often do you change your bed sheets?

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Lol, according to Kim and Aggie's cleaning schedule, once a week is the accepted norm. I vary depending on how virtuous i am being to twice a week and I did go a whole month last year:help: without changing them!

It's usually once a week. I'd love to turn my mattress but it's a two person job as it's so heavy and there's only me with one arm that can't do the angle required.


Sorry Katy you made me laugh with your comment. Remind me to tell you a story next time i see you! ;)

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WWCrazy, twice weekly?! Oh man, I'd not be up for doing that!


It's always been my least favourite job - not so bad now I just use duvet, but back in the days when I'd have up to 6 blankets+sheets+throw on my bed, it was such a chore, and one liable to make me faint...



You can't beat getting into a nice clean bed:D I shall be having a soak in the bath tonight and then getting into my freshly made bed, bliss:D

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