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How often do you change your bed sheets?

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We just aren't that messy though, a bit sweaty but we don't leave huge stains and wet patches:gag: I do wonder what on earth we are missing out on (apart from chocolate based antics) :hihi:


i dont think i could go into our activitys too much, family forum and all ;) plus im not sure my freinds reading this would be able too look at me with a straight face ever again|! :o:hihi:

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Erm, not so bad if you can have a shower the morning after, but it does begin to smell a tad. Maybe that's why you were getting drunk... you couldnt stomach the stench whilst sober :suspect:


In all seriousness, when I was a student I was proper lazy and think the longest I went without changing my sheets was about a month :(


I'm practically a student so hopefully I'm partially excused.

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ive honestly never met a single man that lives alone that remembers to change his bedding :huh:


You have now. I have become a domestic goddess and like to keep on top of the housework :D Who am I trying to kid?! Seriously, that's the one area I insist on making the effort. I love my bed and would prefer it not to stink :D

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You have now. I have become a domestic goddess and like to keep on top of the housework :D Who am I trying to kid?! Seriously, that's the one area I insist on making the effort. I love my bed and would prefer it not to stink :D




*stops herself making sarcastic comment by putting a peg on her tongue* :hihi:

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