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Thorntons factory, Archer rd

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My mum used to work here when i was a child and have some great memories of all the lovely chocolates and boiled sweets she used to bring home.. I have tryed searching for old photographs of the inside of the place as my memory is fast fading, i was hoping seeing it would bring some memories back. Does anyone have any old photos, or even old memories to share? I can remember waving he roff up those stairs at the side, and i very faint memory of the canteen... thats about it..

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Captain Peter Thonton was 2IC of A Company Halamshire Battalion TA of the York & Lancaster Regiment in the early 60s.


I left the Hallamshires to enlist in the regulars 1 Y&L in 1966.


After I left the army and joined the GPO I did some work on the telephone lines at the Archer Road factory in the 70s

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My family owned the corner shop next to the Thornton's factory from 1961 to 1964. The girls had white overalls and hats on and used to come in for bacon sandwiches during their break in the morning. When I was 7 or 8 there was a foreman called Gordon who was always lovely to us. At Christmas I asked him for some toffee and he brought in a whole trayful with a toffee hammer. I got hit by my mum for being so cheeky and asking him, but it was worth it. A whole trayful of special toffee. Bliss!

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My mum used to work here when i was a child and have some great memories of all the lovely chocolates and boiled sweets she used to bring home.. I have tryed searching for old photographs of the inside of the place as my memory is fast fading, i was hoping seeing it would bring some memories back. Does anyone have any old photos, or even old memories to share? I can remember waving he roff up those stairs at the side, and i very faint memory of the canteen... thats about it..


I worked there for a few months in 1968.My job was to put rows of chocolate bottles into boxes,it was incredibly boring and poorly paid,think I got 8 pounds for a full weeks work!

I remember Gordon the foreman,and I would definitely not describe him as lovely! He had a loud voice and would shout from one end of the factory to the other.

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It would be great if someone came up with a photo of it... Gordon sounds like a nice man, if you dont work for him lol.. I dont think my mum enjoyed working their very much, she tended to just go back when we were going on holiday or whatever for the extra spends, then it changed and became ????Belleclaire???? i believe and she didnt stay there for very long at all... then it just went all together.

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