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The Abbey Road Webcam

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That zebra crossing isnt the original one, the original on was got rid of another one(the current one) was resighted a little further down the road.


Was it? I've googled various versions of the shot to compare where the gates are on the left but I suppose it's difficult to guage with different camera settings giving differing perspectives. It looks like it was, as you say, a little bit. Why was it moved? Hardly seems worth the bother. I did find this though.



Good lord, am I quoting the Soaraway Sun?



KILLJOY officials want to move the zebra crossing featured on the cover of The Beatles' Abbey Road album - claiming it is a death trap.


Councillors say tourists flocking to be snapped on the road are causing crashes, with the accident rate on the rise.


There have been four more this decade than during the 80s and 90s.


Last weekend marked the 40th anniversary of the photo taken outside the Abbey Road recording studio in St John's Wood, North West London.


Hundreds of fans gathered there on Saturday as Sgt Pepper's Only Dartboard Band, dressed in replica clothing, played Beatles hits.


But Lindsey Hall, a councillor in the Abbey Road ward, pointed out there had been 22 accidents there since 2000.


She said: "Maybe it's time to end this once and for all and move the zebra crossing. It may end up with that."


Colleague Judith Warner added: "I have asked our transport department if it is in the most appropriate place."


Fans vowed to fight any attempts to move the iconic crossing.


And last night a spokesman for Westminster City Council hinted they may let it be.


He said: "There is nothing to indicate any more cause for concern than on any other road."




Someone makes a good point in the comments, that if they did away with it someone would paint it in again - and I suppose people would still try recreating the shot but without the protection of zebra crossing protocol. Best let it be.


I looked again this evening and someone was doing walkabout handstands in the middle of it. His friend was taking the photo from the wrong side though, so it'll look like it could be anywhere. :huh:


I think my favourite behavioural tic is when people scurry into the road looking sheepish as if someone might tell them off for stepping foot on a legal highway crossing. No, duck, you're allowed to do that. It's when you stop and set up a trapeze in the middle, or your mates come and try to re-enact the skiing segment from Help! that people might get a bit narked. But that's the point where they stop looking sheepish and naughty. :help: (You see what I did there?)


I ought to take back my comment about the council H&S drone though, if that report is correct. A dose of sanity in Westminster? Now there's a headline!

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This afternoon's intrigue...


The visuals were switched off a while back, with apologies, now they're back on but the word 'PONCE' has been scrawled on the white pillar of the studio gates. :suspect:


It was given a fresh coat of white paint only this morning (I haven't been watching it continuously all day, btw.) I wonder if they use a specially formulated shade of white called "The Beatles' "The Beatles"". With an Old English Sheepdog on the tin of course.

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