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Late night coffee bars?


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The idea of having a late night coffee shop is a great one, but one that Sheffield can't support. Asking why people would want to go and buy coffee after midnight is as ridiculous as aking why they'd want to pay £3 for a coffee anytime, when they can make a decent cup in their home for 10p.


It's a question of percentages. In London and other cosmopolitan cities, there will be a greater percentage of people who will stay out and late and, yes, drink coffee. In Sheffield? No.


Sheffield is not a cosmopolitan city full of 'bohemians' chatting about Kerouac, regardless of what some people would like to think. If a place like Bragazzies stayed open late, it would be fantastic. But by midnight you'd just get a bunch of white shirters peeing against the window and asking why they aren't serving ham baps instead of that foreign muck of ciabatta with salami, rocket and mozzarrella. Or students on speed chewing on sugar sticks.



It wouldn't be worth the hassle for any businness.



You dont have a great opinion of people of sheffield, I think people would love a late cafe, as I would not describe all of sheffield as you have. I am not orginally from sheffield but I find the way you have described the people who live here not very nice, and not everyone is as you have described. So out of interest are you a do you wear a white shirt on a night out and pee against windows?

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Sheffield does not have a great image, this is certainly true. Even some Southerners now do not rate Sheffield and can still think fondly of the city when the steel industry was in its heyday. HOWEVER, I have been in Sheffield for a very long time, and I have seen it changed. I do not think that we are that bad as a city. Seriously. If there were decent jobs, I'd stay in Sheffield, as the quality of life is pretty high in comparison to some other cities in the UK. This is pretty true. If Sheffield holds itself well, I think it could be another friendly and vibrant city like Dublin.


I think that there is a place for late night cafes/bars. A lot of Sheffielders still do like their drinks, and chats in pubs. I do not see how this cannot be fused with others who like to drink non-alcoholic drinks too?


I don't think a bar caters for this crowd, some kind of "cafe", where people know that it isn't a place to pick up the opposite sex, and nor is it a place where people enjoy loud music. Just decent chatters and drinkers who like a decent coffee, or a night cap with their friends after a night out, and do not want to hog the restaurant because they want to close or something. Something in the city centre would be nice actually. The Green Room does seem to be this kind of halfway house, as I ordered a coffee in there before, and they do a decent coffee as well. They used to play music, but that is not on every night though. So it can be a good venue for late night caps. I do not know if The Forum serves hot drinks til late 1am either.


There is a coffee place in the West One complex area, but I do not think that it opens til that late, and it also serves cake!

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I was in West One the other day and noticed that the unit in the centre which used to be the coffee shop Utopia and then was the Moroccan restaurant has now become a place which claims to serve coffee and snacks until late. I looked for a menu and precise opening times outside but couldn't see any and was in too much of a hurry to go in. I think the name may be something like Eat 360 or something like that. I too liked the idea of a place which served coffee and food a bit later on in the evening - don't know how often I'd really go but nice to know it's there!

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Funnily enough I live near there. I've always been too afraid to go in for fear of the prices...


Hot Chocolate £1.80

Tea £1.60

Americano £1.60

Capuccino £1.60

Latte £1.60

Espresso £1.20


All Fairtrade Naturally. :D


Try A Hazelnut Latte - Delicious! :thumbsup:

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