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Old Cigarette Makes


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I was just clearing out some junk and I came across some old fag packets. Park Drive, Woodbine, Players No. 6, Rothmans, Consulate and even the Spanish Celtas. There are many more brands from the 60's/70's just rememberd on called Corsair.

There is 1 brand that was cool in the 60's one of the first King size in a foil packet I just can not rememember the name.


Also I came across Brook Bond cards that you used to get in the old quarter pound Tea Boxes, what memories.


This may be a strange request, but I would like those who remember the names of the cigarettes of the past

i dont smoke but can remember working in a restaurant and picking up packets called MORE they were like choccy cigs

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  • 3 months later...
i dont smoke but can remember working in a restaurant and picking up packets called MORE they were like choccy cigs

Hi Jewells29, I used to collect fag packets when I was a lad, one or two that stand out are: PASHA, 35s, Du morias, STAR, are the ones I can remember.

We used to go for a ride on the outer circle bus(3) to have a look upstairs for any new finds, unfortunately later on I started smoking them!

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3 Woodbine fags and 3 matches in a flimsy paper sleeve.My father used to have certain technique in smoking. once he'd lit it, it remained in the corner of his mouth for the duration of the smoke. When the ash reached about 2" long, with a long practised skill he blew it sideways, usually in my face and away from his suit. Never heard about passive smoking then!.

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