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East One noodle bar - West One


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* Where did you go?

I went with my girlfriend to the East One noodle bar in the new West One development, just off West Street.


* When did you go?

Err, about a week and a half ago (end of August).


* First impressions?

Smart looking exterior (it's brand new!). Looking through the windows I noticed that everyone shares long tables, which seemed like a novel idea. Seemed busy too - normally a good sign.


* What did you do there?

Ate noodles


* What were the staff like?

Yeah, they were ok. We were being shown to our table (upstairs) when I bumped in to a friend on the stairs. By the time we had finished chatting she had disappeared. Nevertheless, we went upstairs and found a table (the only two person table I saw!). After that the service was fine, one waitress (or manager?) seemed to have all her kids there - which provided some entertainment as we saw them stealing pawn crackers ;)


* Was it good value for money?

Yes very. I had traditional "dry" noodles, while my girlfriend had noodle soup. Both dishes were huge and cost around £6-7 each.


* Overall impression

Yeah, very good. A nice addition to the Sheffield food scene - there are too many Italian type places in the centre, so this offers a nice break. A hint for any beer drinkers, they do serve pints of beer, but in doesn't seem to be on menu, so ask.


* Would you go back / recommend it to others?

Yes and Yes

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  • 4 months later...

Read a thread a while ago, although I can't now find it again, saying how good the noodle bar is (it still is) and how they generally give tap water instead of expensive water. Went there on Saturday for some very nice noodles, but they now have stuck on the menu signs that say only bottled water available. Are restaurants really allowed to not give you tap water?


I thought it was slightly odd.

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My understanding is that it is only venues like nightclubs where dancing takes place where they legally obliged to offer free tap water, this legislation I believe was passed to cut down on drug related deaths. However the drinking water does not neccessarily have to be served over the bar - it may be that they install a drinking water fountain in the toilets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

West Street is one of the main streets in the city centre and you can always get the tram to the West Street stop if you get really lost. East One is in the West One block of flats, which is directly behind the Barclays Bank on West Street, or alternatively at the end of Division Street (the opposite end to City Hall).


Hope that helps.

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