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Horsemeat shop in Sheffield?


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Is my memory deceiving me, or was there a horsemeat shop on Blonk Street at one time? And oddly enough, somewhere in the vicinity was a leather shop! He made saddles!

there was one on spital hill justabove the pub onthe corner of carlisle during the war cant remember the pubs name sold that lovely drink golden mead

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  • 1 month later...

The Horsemeat shop on Attercliffe common was managed by my lovely Aunty Emily Prescott during WW2 and I'm sure I remember her saying it was owned by Baldocks. She fed us well whenever we visited. Don't tell my grandkids though, they love horses.

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Yes I can remember the one on Attercliffe Common....between Newhall Road and Clay Street. Nearer to Clay St and I think the pub WAS the Horse and Jocky.....

Next or next but one to Boldocks where I used to get a pennorth of crab claws. I can smell them now....


Hi Joan

there was a horse flesh dirs at 853 Attercliffe road - WOODROW just after

Clay street. 851 was the TRAMCAR INN

853 BUTCHERS -woodrow then became BOLDOCKS



859 PIERRPOINTS GREENGROCERS [the other shop was at 753 Attercliffe common at the end of worksop road]

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  • 1 year later...
I distinctly remember a shop that sold Horsemeat , somewhere on Attercliffe Common----can't be exact . Strangely enough it said in brackets , " Fit for Human Consumption ". Can't have been too re-assuring for any potential customer , can it ?

I understand in France and some other countries that horsemeat is regarded like beef and why not ? We eat pigs , hens , rabbits and the offal of many of these animals so how can we turn up our noses at horsemeat ? Always puzzled me that .

my dad worked a t brown bailys and he brought some home one day it was a blue color

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  • 2 months later...
Is my memory deceiving me, or was there a horsemeat shop on Blonk Street at one time? And oddly enough, somewhere in the vicinity was a leather shop! He made saddles!


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the horse meat shop on Heeley Bottom about six shops along from the 'Colly' picture house.It was certainly there before and during the war.When we passed it my mum always used to tell us to hold our nose but to me it always looked as if it had a strong customer base.Incidentally,whilst on the subject of strange food I recall joining a queue outside Liptons also on Heeley Bottom and in those days if you saw a queue outside a food shop you joined it regardless of what it might turn out to be.As I got closer to the door I saw a board which said 'Eggs - no coupons' so I carried on and when I reached the counter they turned out to be gulls eggs (green and spotted). Needless to say my dad had them for his tea that night!

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the horse meat shop on Heeley Bottom about six shops along from the 'Colly' picture house.It was certainly there before and during the war.When we passed it my mum always used to tell us to hold our nose but to me it always looked as if it had a strong customer base.Incidentally,whilst on the subject of strange food I recall joining a queue outside Liptons also on Heeley Bottom and in those days if you saw a queue outside a food shop you joined it regardless of what it might turn out to be.As I got closer to the door I saw a board which said 'Eggs - no coupons' so I carried on and when I reached the counter they turned out to be gulls eggs (green and spotted). Needless to say my dad had them for his tea that night!

Please dont think I'm doubting you MonksKirby, but there was a 'Colly' on Spital Hill, and also a Liptons.

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Hi Glen,


I always thought that there was a horsemeat shop up Spital Hill but Texas should know. I know there was a tripe shop up there, but tripe shops are another subject entirely


Of course, there was Mattock's at the corner of Spital Hill and Brambers Street. One of the best regular butchers shops in the city. Does anybody remember Mattocks making their deliveries by Horse and Trap?

There was a horse meat shop on Spital hill.I think it was the one that sold tripe as well.It was facing Carlisle St @ the top of Spital Hill.

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