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Albert T Smith - forum member R.I.P

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I have to admit that Albert was one of the few users I didn't get frustrated with in the tech section. He was so genuine in asking for help and and would always be sure to thank us when we had helped him - even printing off links we'd sent him for further reading (how marvellously old school).


I'm annoyed I didn't see this until tonight as I was staying at my parents' last night due to the snow and being stranded in S8, and the crematorium is a hop, skip and a jump away from their house.


Still, he'll be missed and definitely not forgotten.

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I chatted a few times with Albert,mainly about local history,


but I remember chatting about walking up Whin hill at Ladybower,

Next time I'm up there I'l stop for a few moments and think of him,



R.I.P Albert



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I have to admit that Albert was one of the few users I didn't get frustrated with in the tech section. He was so genuine in asking for help and and would always be sure to thank us when we had helped him - even printing off links we'd sent him for further reading (how marvellously old school).


I'm annoyed I didn't see this until tonight as I was staying at my parents' last night due to the snow and being stranded in S8, and the crematorium is a hop, skip and a jump away from their house.


Still, he'll be missed and definitely not forgotten.


During the service it was mentioned that Albert had found a new lease of life when he discovered computers. He went on courses to learn the basics and more. He helped people and tried to teach what he'd learnt.


Good old Albert

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