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Clearing the snow from your path ,being sued .

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If a postie slips in your yard due to snow/ice do they sue you or do they claim from their work?? If you have a fall at work then you sue your work place but if you're a postie then your work place is everyone's front yard / drive way ... ??

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If a postie slips in your yard due to snow/ice do they sue you or do they claim from their work?? If you have a fall at work then you sue your work place but if you're a postie then your work place is everyone's front yard / drive way ... ??


There's a clue here:


Just so you have a nice full picture.


Occupiers Liability Act 1957 - an occupier is liable for injuries caused on his premises, unless he has done all that he could reasonably be expected to do to prevent those injuries...


It's your yard, not the PO's...


...so if you leave it in an unreasonably dangerous state, and you are aware of this...

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There's a clue here:




It's your yard, not the PO's...


...so if you leave it in an unreasonably dangerous state, and you are aware of this...


Just about spot on.

I would add that if a postie fell on your drive following overnight snow, you would not be found liable as you would not be seen in law as being negligent. However if the postie fell due to snow that had been uncleared for 3 days the situation might be different.


Either way it is extremely difficult to prosecute a case of this type, and I am not sure whether the postie would bother.

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Where's that then?


News last week on BBC America evening addition. Trains, buses, London's Underground, motorways, buses all seriously affected. Schools closed, thousands of people unable to get to and from work


News coomentator said that London and other cities across Britain suffering up to 12 inches of snow and no snow clearing equipment readily available

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I'm old enough to remember the very severe winter of 1947/48 in Sheffield. I can remember the snow piled up on either side of our road, pipes in houses freezing and bursting and the only house heating either a modest size electric wall type or two coal fires, one upstairs in one of the bedrooms and one down in the living room


People cleared their paths and pavements without any problems or bad feelings from neighbours and just about everyone got around on foot, there being very, very few car owners.

Us kids played out in the snow wearing only wellies and socks underneath and often no gloves


Of course, the people back then were far removed from the whinging, snivelling modern generation with their preoccupation of getting a bit of easy money (law suits)

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News last week on BBC America evening addition. Trains, buses, London's Underground, motorways, buses all seriously affected. Schools closed, thousands of people unable to get to and from work


News coomentator said that London and other cities across Britain suffering up to 12 inches of snow and no snow clearing equipment readily available


Hmmmm, not what I saw...


...drove to work every day as usual, mind, I don't travel at rush hour...


...know there were some problems with the buses, but they ran every day...


...still no underground in Sheffield ;)...


...and the M1 was fine near here...


...Schools did close some days, but apart from teachers, and those looking after kids, everyone else seemed to get to work (and some had to go straight home to pick up kids because of Schools closing).


Oh, and I don't think we had 12" of snow either...


...but that'd be 24 hour news, they have to find some news to run from somewhere.


From discussions with friends in the US, none of this is unique to the UK.

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Hmmmm, not what I saw...


...drove to work every day as usual, mind, I don't travel at rush hour...


...know there were some problems with the buses, but they ran every day...


...still no underground in Sheffield ;)...


...and the M1 was fine near here...


...Schools did close some days, but apart from teachers, and those looking after kids, everyone else seemed to get to work (and some had to go straight home to pick up kids because of Schools closing).


Oh, and I don't think we had 12" of snow either...


...but that'd be 24 hour news, they have to find some news to run from somewhere.


From discussions with friends in the US, none of this is unique to the UK.


Perhaps not in Sheffield but, rest assured, BBC America made it sound like the whole country was snow bound.

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Perhaps not in Sheffield but, rest assured, BBC America made it sound like the whole country was snow bound.


Oh, we've had plenty of the white stuff, and the kids have been lovin' it...


...and the whiners are having a field day...


...but we don't need food parcels just yet thanks. :D

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I can just see it now:


Have you been hurt in a snow related accident?



Barbara Bobbins was. She slipped in a pair of Ugg boots while visiting her temporarily sick son, Malcolm. Barbara ripped both her american tan tights AND her Bridget Jones style pants when she slipped on a cleared area that had ammassed yet more snow.



She claimed over £12-50 in compensation!



So if you've been hurt in an accident like this, call us now.


We need to get a grip - and take responsibility for ourselves!




Hahahahahahahahahhaaaaa! :D

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