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What do you think of the signing on the dole experience?

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Getting a job in the current situation is very difficult. I have been out of work since December and I have tried to get office work as this is what I am experienced in but I have had no luck, so I decided to try getting work in supermarkets and shops I spent most of yesterday going around Morrisons, Sainsburys, Wilkinsons, Halfords, Asda, Argos and various other stores asking if they had got any jobs going and none had anything. Anybody who thinks that supermarkets and stores are continously recruiting staff are very much mistaken. I have worked since leaving college so I am no skiver, I really want to work.

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That's a nice post. Thank you for sharing. Its better not to put fake experience in current situation. Better to know all the employment laws before joining.

There are some websites like hrlaweasyanswers.com that provide services for all the employment law requirements while employing and managing people. There are no contracts to sign up and the quality services provide real savings and are of great value.

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I lost my job before Christmas and have been looking ever since.I've always worked and do not understand the benefit system. My partner works but his income covers the bills with only a bit left every month. We have an 18 month old child and one thing i'm struggling with is the month's worth of nursery fees I need to find in advance of her starting nursery so I can return to work. There is no assistance with this until I actually start work, so a catch 22 situation.

I broke my ankle on Friday and have a sick note for 6 weeks!! I have an interview tomorrow for a temp job for 2 weeks, but this causes a problem as i now have to claim ESA which doesn't allow any work at all.

I spent ages in the phone to the jobcentre explaining this, but I get the impression it's easier to just claim ESA than work if possible.


I don't think the system is fair, it really should be all or nothing. I don't see why just because you have actually paid NI contributions this excludes you from other benefits that you could get if you've never paid any!!


I'm also looking at starting my own business or going back into education unfortunately these are things that JCP don't seem able to help with, but they bend over backwards to assist those who belong to certain sectors of society.

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Everyone who has posted so far has described that they worked for years. Imagine how hard it is for someone who has NO job experience at the moment.


Getting paid work may well prove tricky, but volunteering to gain some valuable work experience may well be a good option. Plus it will make you stand out from the crowd, and show a potential employer that you are willing to put the hard graft in.

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I've had 3 bouts of unemployment & JSA in approx 34 years working.


The first time was in 1990 and I signed on at West Street. I waited in a queue, signed the declaration & went. Not pleasant, but worthwhile if only for National Insurance contributions.


Second and Third Times (2000 & 2003) were at Jobcentre. The experiences there were worse. Whilst the advisors were not unwilling, In my opinion they were incapable of making any positive contribution to my job searches. (On one occasion I actually consoled the advisor because he had to travel 80 miles a day to work!) My time would have been more cost effective by signing off and paying my own NIC's.


The country could save money by abolishing JSA, and making everything means tested, and they could be means testing the current advisors.


Chris. Tomlinson (Currently Working)


Signature not shown because this is not an advert

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People need to be realistic about job opportunities. They are limited for older people - that's been the experience of many, but there is no shame in taking a job at a lower level than one has been used to. I've done it more than once and the important bit has been getting the job. Once you're in an organisation - who knows!


I agree with Charlotte 24. If people have no work experience and no marketable skills - but genuinely want to work, then doing some voluntary work will normally help with references and experience. When my OH wanted to return to work after several years of ill-health he volunteered with an animal charity. It got him back into the world of work, and they gave him a great reference, which got him the job he's still in - 7 years on. Its part time, and not particularly well paid but he'd rather do it than not work. He hated the whole signing on experience, and in his case it was just for NI contributions once he came off incapacity benefit.

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Agreed, but you arent really allowed to do voluntary work when you are on jobseekers, because your supposed to spend your time looking for a job.


Crazy innit. However, it's not because you're supposed to spend your time looking for work, its because you have to be available to work.

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