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What do you think of the signing on the dole experience?

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i dont think u get a lot of help or job centre dont give u any insentive to find job i no quite lot peeps who want to work find its not worth there while as thay will be 30 40 pound worse of i think should be more help out there not just for single mums with kids also for single women and men who have no kids

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I think there is a possibitlity that 'business woman' is the same person as 'jasontsang'. Both of them joined in Feb 09 and both of them have the time to go on the threads about unemployment and wind people up.


Despite differing views, they write in the same style and have the whole 'devils advocate' thing going on.

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Hi, for the unfortunates who have to sign on the dole every two weeks (me included) what do you think of the actual experience?


A joy to behold isn't it? Mingling with the lowlife scum who aren't actually looking for work and have no intention whatsoever of looking for work. I've been going for a couple of weeks and it's like a chocolate teapot. Having asked me what work I was looking for they said "nah, you don't want to do that, you want to do this (insert different job) instead", then searched their database and found nothing matching their idea. I was like hmmm. Then last time I got given a job to apply for on the day the application closed! Great!


Then I'm expected to work my arse off for 2 weeks looking for jobs!!

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Crazy innit. However, it's not because you're supposed to spend your time looking for work, its because you have to be available to work.


Yup. The irony is that doing voluntary work is the only way that I am going to gain experience in the types of jobs the Jobcentre are telling me to apply for!!

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My head is not in the sand hunni, there are loads of jobs out there! But some people let pride take over i.e An accountant may go bust and won't take on a cleaning job ''just because they are worth more than that''.. you need to see reality , get out there and look for work properly instead of browsing the internet where only a minority of jobs are posted.#

As for paying £200 in childcare, I had to get CCTC.. If my businesses went bust, I've already got back up in place, it's a case of seeing whats happening in the real world and being in front with whats happening, predicting I guess.. I see no excuse in being out of work, my kid's dad has NEVER paid his way nor seen his 12 yr old daughter, he's never worked in his life and claims EVERY benefit existant.. Only 1 word for these people S*******R


I haven't read all the posts yet because I wanted to comment on this one, so I apologise if I'm duplicating anything.


I'm genuinely pleased that things are going so well for you at the moment, it is actually quite a nice thing to hear in a time when there is a lot of doom & gloom about the recession. However, not everyone on benefits is working the system. I for one am not, I've worked fulltime all my working life but unfortuantely working in the finance sector in a small firm my job was not safe.


Luckily - JSA pays you to find suitable work for which you are qualified rather than the first thing that comes up & pays minimum wage which would not cover my mortgage payments and automatically render me not entitled to any help whatsoever.


The world is not always black and white and I ask you have a little respect and courtesy towards those if us that are our of work due to circumstances beyond our control and are trying to find a new job. You are fortunate you have managed to make your own luck and plan for the future should you run into any difficulties with your business but not everyone is a "business woman". I really hope you continue to be so fortunate for the rest of your life and never have to rely on these government hand outs you are so quick to judge us for taking.

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As far as what I think of the epxerience is concerned, it's a bit of a waste of time - when I went to sign for my first payment, they didn't even ask what I'd been doing, just passed me the piece of paper to sign. It was quite a depressing experience as men & women in their fifties in front of me discussed how they too, had never had to do this before in their working life. But it made me realise just how many people are affected by this recession!

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