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What do you think of the signing on the dole experience?

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I have been signing on since 30th Oct last year and desperately trying to find work, now they tell me my dole runs out this month but because my wife works I cannot claim anything. I am at my wits end as we cannot even after slashing our costs to the bone, cover our outgoings. It really makes me sick £60 per week is a joke but when politicians can claim£60k for housing I really do think they are taking the p--s

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Well, I've had just had a letter saying it goes up to £64.30 on 9 April. What a ****ing joke. In fact, because the DWP think that I am 2 people (and actually sent me 2 letters) can I claim it twice? haha

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  • 2 months later...

Oh signing on.........Im 35 and have been fortune in the fact that I have worked all my life until March this year when I was made redundant. Before I claimed, I used up my redundancy money first. The lady in the Job Centre was really nice when we went through my claim. BUT, the first sign on was awful. They must employ people with capabilities to make you feel like s**t. I have applied for about 200 jobs and haven't had one interview offer. I've got a wealth of management experience, and at 35 I thought it would be easy to get another job. How wrong was I? I'm signing on, not through choice may I add, but through necessity. Everyday Im emailing companies and looking on job websites for suitable vacancies. I sign on again tomorrow and Im going to ask about getting started in my own business and doing some courses. If I can't get a job I may aswell do something constructive to better my chances.


As for the 'customers' in the JC, yeah there are a lot like me who have had to sign on through no fault of their own, then there are the others who think JSA is an entitlement. You see some of them signing on, and I have to say, I used to hire and fire people, they wouldn't know what an interview was if it was attached to the front of a bus and they were run over on the street.


Anyone got any tips on grants available to start up your own business, Im 35 and am 'too old' for a princes trust grant. That £64 a week goes absolutely nowhere.

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I am not on the 'Dole' and can't understand why so many people are! Excuses I've heard is ''I have kids so can't work'', ''not enough jobs'' .. WHAT a load of rubbish. I was a pregnant 16 schoolgirl, went to school til 8 months pregnant, returned to school 4 days after giving birth to sit exams. BTW I was a single mum, I went to college, worked part time earning £61 a week, paying £200 a week childcare costs. NOW i own severasl businesses WHICH I SET UP ON MY OWN. If I was PM, I'd banish dole money, no excuse for not working.


how did you pay 200 pound childcare out of 61 pound a week ?? do tell.

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naylor, if you were made redundant then you should qualify for aid from the jobcentre for retraining or grants to help you start up business, i'm being made reundo at the end of this month and the chaps from JC were very helpful explaining that they had a big pot of money to help out where its needed... worth a shot! iirc its called rapid response funding or something like that

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naylor, if you were made redundant then you should qualify for aid from the jobcentre for retraining or grants to help you start up business, i'm being made reundo at the end of this month and the chaps from JC were very helpful explaining that they had a big pot of money to help out where its needed... worth a shot! iirc its called rapid response funding or something like that


Yeah, Ive got an appointment on Wednesday to see about setting up my own painting and decorating business, moving into interior design and stuff, eventually going into home restaging. I cant stand signing on at the dole office, so I'm seriously considering working for myself. Hope they can work it all out and give me the right advice I need.

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