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What do you think of the signing on the dole experience?

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Its not their fault they lost their job but it is their fault for not looking for work. Dole money is totally different from CCTC, CCTC means I WAS/AM working, DOLE means you're not working.. completely different, I did everything I could to work i.e I got a mortgage, bought my home to have equity in which I could use to build up a business, hence my 1st business, then when that was established, I put money into a 2nd business, then a 3rd. People want life easily handed on a plate and aren't prepared to sacrifice. I now have 3 daughters, look after them myself as well as running 3 businesses. I claim NO benefits and more people should take this leaf from my book and stop relying on the state. GET A JOB guys


No Family Allowance then, Which i'd guess would be same amount roughly as somebody gets on JSA.

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I run an online employment service called Jobs4Everyone that was set up to help people back into work.


Over the past two weeks we have been operating inside of the Bailey Court Job Centre Plus on West Street and can honestly say that we have found the staff to be very helpful.


We have also had such a positive response from 99% of people seeking work and I think it is unfair how people seem to get labelled and judged upon for signing on. Of course, there is always going to be a minority who for whatever reason try to make the most out of the system but on the whole everyone who we came into contact with were good honest people genuinely looking for work.


As for the 'what have you done to look for work this past 2 weeks' comment, this is not the advisers fault but to me seems a way of the DWP trying to standardise the experience that every job seeker has.


Due to the loss in funding the Job Centre has seen the time available to spend with each customer has been reduced and so with that unfortunately comes a loss in quality.


Just one of those things i'm afraid, not really anyone's fault but the systems[/i]

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