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What do you think of the signing on the dole experience?

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Hi, for the unfortunates who have to sign on the dole every two weeks (me included) what do you think of the actual experience?


I find the people very nice at the office I go to. However, I strongly object to being asked 'what have you been doing to look for work over the last two weeks?'


They make me feel as though I'm on the dole through choice. I have to explain that I am doing everything I can to find work and I am not there to make a career from the £60.50 allowance. Unfortunately I have been claiming for over six months and so far I have been offered a 'bribe' of £25 per week to go back to work and a training trial at a company. This essentially means that I work for nothing for two weeks but can claim bus fares and lunches. Fine said I, please find me a free trial.


It was not to be though as I have to find my own trial with a company.


I'm struggling to understand what the 'plus' is for in the Job Centre Plus offices.


What are members experiences of Job Centre Plus?


I've found in the Past that it depends who you get! Sometimes they would be really probing to find out what you had been doing, and other times they just get your signature and don't even ask you anything!


I had my dole money stopped because I left an organisation 'voluntarily' even though I had many decent reasons it was badly run, and the staff weren't treated with enough respect, plus management would hold back details of information from employees til the time they couldn't do anything about it! I stuck it out for 2 years and felt I needed to get out because I had been putting up with too much nonsense! So it's not like I didn't give it a fair chance!


But even though I was honest from the start with the Job Centre over my reasons they didn't stop my money til months afterwards? Which begs the question why did they pay me in the first if in their I wasn't entitled? They didn't bother to inform me by phone or letter that they were stopping it which wouldn't have taken much effort really! Only found out because I chased up several days and phones calls later.


Seems you get punished for being honest, no wonder so many people lie about it to stay on for a while because it's the only way to keep the support going!

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BBC1 moral debate show looking for people who are on the dole.


We make the BBC1 moral and ethical live debate show The Big Questions. We're debating the welfare state this Sunday and we're looking for people who have been on the dole, either short term or long term - or those who feel that they have found work and other people aren't trying hard enough.


If you've got any strong views on either side of this debate, please do get in touch as soon as possible.


Best wishes


Hannah Eastwood

Assistant Producer

The Big Questions

01865 811126

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I found the Job centre to be the biggest bunch of c*** ever. Alledgedly they only had 3 jobs that matched what i was looking for within Leeds , Manc and Sheffield( in my brief 4 weeks of unemployment) !!! Not sure how i managed to get 8 different interviews then !


Because a lot of employers don't advertise with the Job Centre (not every job will be with each agency either). They advertise through other means such as newspapers and the internet, obviously if you really want to get a job you will go and search these out through your local library etc. Nothing says that every available job has to go through the Job Centre. Employers are free to advertise where they wish and because that the onus is on the jobseeker to prove they have done this.

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This is not my experience of Agencies. My experience is that agencies will only put your forward for a job if they think there is any chance of you getting the job.... I have managed to be put forward for 5 jobs out of 300 applications made to agencies. I have had 2 interviews the result of which were that I was too experienced (this is having passed short listing tests and the company telling the agency I did a good interview).


I worked for an agency for a while and believe me I am totally not surprised you were put forwards for jobs you were overqualified for. They can rarely get underqualified people into a role but will happily put forwards overqualified candidates hoping they will stay for a year and they'll get their commission.



I also heard them lie about the likeliehood of of a temp job to being made perm to try and bully a candidate into taking a job. Maybe that was just the agency I worked for but I don't trust them.

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Hi, many thanks for responding to my OP.


As a customer of the Job Centre Plus it would be nice to gain some support from them instead of going through the motions of 'what have you been doing for work'. All I want is for a cheery voice to greet me, give me a bit of support, and to say I'm doing well getting interviews etc and to tell me it will be just a matter of time, just keep going.




I'm really sorry if this sounds nasty but the Job Centre aren't there to support you. They are mainly there to check that you are entitled to the benefits you are receiving and that you are making an effort to find a job, not to hold your hand. They don't put you forwards for jobs out of the goodness of their heart but so they can ensure you are actually putting yourself forwards for suitable posts that are available.


That was why I made the Graduate comment, because what you were saying seemed so naive I assumed you were young. At the end of the day you don't get something for nothing and you get Job Seekers on the condition you do actively look for a job.


Also on the occasions I've been into Job Centre's I'm not surprised they are miserable because of the amount of abuse they take. A lot of it is done over the phone these days but I've been in places where they are all sat behind shatterproof glass because they've been attacked so many times.

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why do people expect the job centre and the state to find them a new job. people using mine and the likes taxes, to live a free, or subsidised life should be looking for jobs themselves, writing letters to companies. not expecting job centre to do it all for them. i got my job because i wanted the job and made the effort to get it.

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Frankly, if the Job Centre staff knew about a decent job they'd go for it themselves. I agree, if you rely on the JC you'll be waiting a long, long time.


However, the entire system sucks. Yes, the JC staff can be very friendly etc. but the hypocrisy is staggering. All this 'What have you been doing to find work...' I kept copious records for my own use so was able to produce them as and when required, but I can see how this could be easily fiddled.


Every time I was asked this question, I only needed to look around at my fellow attendees - scrotes off their heads, people with F*** tattooed across their forehead, immigrants who could barely speak English - and wondered why they weren't being subject to such inquisition?


The fact is, the JC staff go for easy targets. Look decent, actively looking for work and can prove it? I know! I'll bundle you off to A4e! As for the 'only doing my job, guvnor.' bit, so were the guards at Auschwitz. Only they had no choice, the poorly paid and trained JC staff do.


Surely to God "Job Seekers Allowance" should be exactly that, and the aforementioned dregs who nobody in their right mind would ever employ should be refused any benefits and help whatsoever.


Anyway, back to work. It's been interesting reading this thread, especially that hypocritical 'Businesswoman' who seems to think it's OK to get benefits when it suits her, but not for others. Yes, there are jobs out there, but part-time coppers nark and hooker wouldn't do it for me...

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Anyway, back to work. It's been interesting reading this thread, especially that hypocritical 'Businesswoman' who seems to think it's OK to get benefits when it suits her, but not for others. Yes, there are jobs out there, but part-time coppers nark and hooker wouldn't do it for me...


Ha ha ha nice one! :hihi:

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As for the 'only doing my job, guvnor.' bit, so were the guards at Auschwitz. Only they had no choice, the poorly paid and trained JC staff do.


Surely to God "Job Seekers Allowance" should be exactly that, and the aforementioned dregs who nobody in their right mind would ever employ should be refused any benefits and help whatsoever.



Yes thats a good idea isnt it. Let them and their children sink into poverty. That should kill of the surplus population.

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