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What do you think of the signing on the dole experience?

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Buisinesswoman, I congratulate you on your success. It's a shame you picked up no compassion on your way up the ladder. You've been lucky, and a bit of humility would be a good sauce.


I have NO compassion.. There's no such thing as luck, I worked by a** to the bones, sometimes working 15/16 hours a day to get where I am today! You only get what you give.. I was severly ill with a complete blockage (DVT) in my pelvis in Jan 2008, I couldn't walk, but instead of sitting on my a** doing nothing, I decided to study, made the best of a bad situation. A 2 yr course took me 4 weeks. If you get out in the real world and look for work instead of mooching around the house feeling sorry for yourselves. I'm sorry but HUMILITY and COMPASSION doesn't ccome into it. I run these businesses myself, I respect everyone but rely on no-one. If they want a job, go out and find one! It won't find them..

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Hear Hear Ruby.


Businesswoman. I don't know anything about your businesses, but escort agency I think I read earlier. So, it's not you who is actually 'working' is it.


Hun, who do you think finds the escorts, keeps and maintains the paperwork, does the interviews, updates website, updates escorts information, manages the accounts, I am not an escort but similar. Times all this by three along with school runs, school holidays, and everything else i have to do. So yes, i think it is me working.. lol

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I have NO compassion.. There's no such thing as luck, I worked by a** to the bones, sometimes working 15/16 hours a day to get where I am today! You only get what you give.. I was severly ill with a complete blockage (DVT) in my pelvis in Jan 2008, I couldn't walk, but instead of sitting on my a** doing nothing, I decided to study, made the best of a bad situation. A 2 yr course took me 4 weeks. If you get out in the real world and look for work instead of mooching around the house feeling sorry for yourselves. I'm sorry but HUMILITY and COMPASSION doesn't ccome into it. I run these businesses myself, I respect everyone but rely on no-one. If they want a job, go out and find one! It won't find them..
WELL SAID,If more people had your get up and go,they wouldn't be scraping round looking for cleaning jobs or telesales jobs.I wish i had someone like you in my business.http://www.eze2go.com/116605
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Just a word to the wise.


Be nice to people on the way up, as it softens the fall if you happen to come down (And no matter what you may think, circumstances and events can dictate that you could fall, and fall hard, through no fault of your own)


I agree with some of your sentiments, but they could be better put.

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I have NO compassion.. There's no such thing as luck, I worked by a** to the bones, sometimes working 15/16 hours a day to get where I am today! You only get what you give.. I was severly ill with a complete blockage (DVT) in my pelvis in Jan 2008, I couldn't walk, but instead of sitting on my a** doing nothing, I decided to study, made the best of a bad situation. A 2 yr course took me 4 weeks. If you get out in the real world and look for work instead of mooching around the house feeling sorry for yourselves. I'm sorry but HUMILITY and COMPASSION doesn't ccome into it. I run these businesses myself, I respect everyone but rely on no-one. If they want a job, go out and find one! It won't find them..


There are plenty of people out there with the right attitude , but not as many as self absorbed as yourself.


Your prediciment isnt exclusive. My grandmother was a teenage mum, and in a time very much different to now , she built a number of business up and died a very wealthy woman , having come from a life in a childrens home. Her businesses have continued, despite her being dead 16 years. The one thing everyone said about her was how much HUMILITY and COMPASSION she had. she was truly respected, with a true business brain ( and i doubt she got any childcare whilst she went to study !!)


What im trying to say is no one like conceitedness and arrogance, and should hard times ever come to yourself (which i hope they dont) , people will remember how you treated them or spoke to them.


Just a thought.

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There are plenty of people out there with the right attitude , but not as many as self absorbed as yourself.


Your prediciment isnt exclusive. My grandmother was a teenage mum, and in a time very much different to now , she built a number of business up and died a very wealthy woman , having come from a life in a childrens home. Her businesses have continued, despite her being dead 16 years. The one thing everyone said about her was how much HUMILITY and COMPASSION she had. she was truly respected, with a true business brain ( and i doubt she got any childcare whilst she went to study !!)


What im trying to say is no one like conceitedness and arrogance, and should hard times ever come to yourself (which i hope they dont) , people will remember how you treated them or spoke to them.


Just a thought.


I don't beat about the bush, what's the point in talking to these people with a gently gently approach? If you make them feel that it's OK to wait for things to come to them, then you're giving them the wrong impression. You might as well be straight to the point. I ALWAYS help people that deserve it, not those that need it (in other words, those that ARE TRYING to help themselves but are struggling then I help them, those that can do things for themselves but expect others to do it for them, I don't bother)..

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I don't beat about the bush, what's the point in talking to these people with a gently gently approach? If you make them feel that it's OK to wait for things to come to them, then you're giving them the wrong impression. You might as well be straight to the point. I ALWAYS help people that deserve it, not those that need it (in other words, those that ARE TRYING to help themselves but are struggling then I help them, those that can do things for themselves but expect others to do it for them, I don't bother)..


I dont suffer fools glady and can be blunt at times, however I have realised that not everyone is the same as me, has the same drive or get on with it attitude. everyone is different, and the more you can apreciate that the more success you will have.

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I dont suffer fools glady and can be blunt at times, however I have realised that not everyone is the same as me, has the same drive or get on with it attitude. everyone is different, and the more you can apreciate that the more success you will have.


The reason I am successful is because I elimate the time wasters immediately. I have been a Private Investigator for a year and already have a fantastic result in a murder case so far. This is because I take no crap, no time wasters etc. I understand everyone is totally different, this fact has nothing to do with those whom don't help themselves. I'm merely talking about these people who expect life to be a bed of roses, handed to them on a plate. If they want a job they have to look for one. As I keep repeating, IT WILL NOT COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT

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The reason I am successful is because I elimate the time wasters immediately. I have been a Private Investigator for a year and already have a fantastic result in a murder case so far. This is because I take no crap, no time wasters etc. I understand everyone is totally different, this fact has nothing to do with those whom don't help themselves. I'm merely talking about these people who expect life to be a bed of roses, handed to them on a plate. If they want a job they have to look for one. As I keep repeating, IT WILL NOT COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT


Any other reasons you are succesful ? i'd start your own thread on it !:hihi:

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