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What do you think of the signing on the dole experience?

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Any other reasons you are succesful ? i'd start your own thread on it !:hihi:


I know!!!!


Instead of telling us all about your success with your 'businesses' why don't you offer some advice to the person who originally started the thread and be helpful!

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I've been on the "Dole" as you would like to call it for alittle over 1 year now.

BUT in that time, I've done a 2week work trial with co-op and they laid me off after the two weeks.


Then around christmas last year I got a Christmas Temp Job up at Christian Salvesons LOVED it but once again laid off after christmas and made a rapid reclaim.


Now They've put me on a 13week intensive job search course down at A4E and doing 30hours of jobsearch, constantly checking websites / sending specs, and I can tell you..


There is plenty of jobs... but Sadly to say I dropped out of school not really an excuse "but I was being bullied" and was young so didn't know how hard it would effect my future if I knew what I know now back then I possibly would have ignored / stuck up and stayed in school but back to the point!


Most jobs require you to have experiance... which I obviously dont so I find it hard to find a job and go to any that would give me an interview, I could name a list of companies that have given me interviews and I've heard nothing back and as for the specs I've recieved back it's userly "We appreciate you for taking interest in our company but currently we do not have any positions going we'll keep your details in our database incase a position does come up"


And all that random rubbish, I'm not a great cleaner but I'd take a cleaners job, hell I'd take a work placement just for the experiance I could put on my C.V!


But thats my little story, I find my advisor at Bailey Court great call him Derreck he understands how hard it currently is for people to find a job and doesn't pressure you into applying for anything you dont want, but me being me I userly leave the job centre with around 10 numbers / e-mails lol.


P.S - Sorry for the Spelling / Grammar rather terrible :)

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I've been on the "Dole" as you would like to call it for alittle over 1 year now.

BUT in that time, I've done a 2week work trial with co-op and they laid me off after the two weeks.


Then around christmas last year I got a Christmas Temp Job up at Christian Salvesons LOVED it but once again laid off after christmas and made a rapid reclaim.


Now They've put me on a 13week intensive job search course down at A4E and doing 30hours of jobsearch, constantly checking websites / sending specs, and I can tell you..


There is plenty of jobs... but Sadly to say I dropped out of school not really an excuse "but I was being bullied" and was young so didn't know how hard it would effect my future if I knew what I know now back then I possibly would have ignored / stuck up and stayed in school but back to the point!


Most jobs require you to have experiance... which I obviously dont so I find it hard to find a job and go to any that would give me an interview, I could name a list of companies that have given me interviews and I've heard nothing back and as for the specs I've recieved back it's userly "We appreciate you for taking interest in our company but currently we do not have any positions going we'll keep your details in our database incase a position does come up"


And all that random rubbish, I'm not a great cleaner but I'd take a cleaners job, hell I'd take a work placement just for the experiance I could put on my C.V!


But thats my little story, I find my advisor at Bailey Court great call him Derreck he understands how hard it currently is for people to find a job and doesn't pressure you into applying for anything you dont want, but me being me I userly leave the job centre with around 10 numbers / e-mails lol.


P.S - Sorry for the Spelling / Grammar rather terrible :)


Hi mate, I might sound like that women that goes on all about herself in this thread but I got 1 GCSE in school and that was in Drama the rest were terrible fails, I now run my own business, a proper business may I add. But since now and school also been in similar situations to you although I have been working since I was 12. I did start in catering but half way through i wanted to try something different and it was impossible because I didn’t have experience, I thought it was stupid how can you have experience if you can't get the job in the first place to gain the experience?

Another thing is when you go to interviews they will ask what you have been doing for the last year (as it's a big gap) I wouldn’t know what to say other then I have been working abroad)!


Oh and I have commission only jobs available.. I know that’s not brilliant as there is no basic but its only 5/6 hours a week just pm me if interested. :)

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OH well, while not having a job I've been doing various things I gained my


OCR Literacy Level 1 - 2

OCR Numeracy Level 1 - 2

Clait Unit 1

Gained my ECDL with LearnDirect

and did a Pc Rebuild Course but was just for experiance and not a recognized qualification.


Just basic stuff.

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Hi mate, I might sound like that women that goes on all about herself in this thread but I got 1 GCSE in school and that was in Drama the rest were terrible fails, I now run my own business, a proper business may I add. But since now and school also been in similar situations to you although I have been working since I was 12. I did start in catering but half way through i wanted to try something different and it was impossible because I didn’t have experience, I thought it was stupid how can you have experience if you can't get the job in the first place to gain the experience?

Another thing is when you go to interviews they will ask what you have been doing for the last year (as it's a big gap) I wouldn’t know what to say other then I have been working abroad)!


Oh and I have commission only jobs available.. I know that’s not brilliant as there is no basic but its only 5/6 hours a week just pm me if interested. :)


You sound nothing like the lady you mention !!! At last someone with some genuine advice, compassion and empathy for someone who is in a less fortunate position than yourself.


I applaud you x

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You sound nothing like the lady you mention !!! At last someone with some genuine advice, compassion and empathy for someone who is in a less fortunate position than yourself.


I applaud you x


That’s alright then, I can't stand people like that so don't want to sound like one :loopy::P not only that can't stand people who go around saying they run 3/4 business when its complete crap, I could set up an escorts agency tomorrow and be fully booked by Monday, not hard at all.


I haven’t red this whole thread or anything, but like if I was out of work for a year I think after about 6 weeks of being out of work I would go to college or something?

I mean to me a piece of paper is crap and it’s all about experience or learning on the job... well I suppose for jobs like accounting etc you need certificates but if I hadn’t been working long in my life I think I would try that, or get a trainee job, Commie chef?

Something like that, even work at Capita... moneys money I guess and its horrible feeling trying to work out how to pay this and that, and even worse when you can't take your missus out or something.


I was on the dole once for about 3 weeks, it took me a month to get a penny in that time I have missed 10/11 interviews as I didn’t have the money to get to them and if I got the job I wouldn’t of bin able to pay for transport, what did they offer? Payback if I show the bus tickets etc hmm how am I ment to get the bus ticket in the first place!

It was a waste of time, I'd rather have no money then what they gave me so I just didn’t bother going anymore, and going to the job center was crap anyway, what got me was there was people in there that must of been on the dole for 10 years because they knew all the staff, security guards etc everyone it was like it was there second home.


I'm going to add something about agency’s too, I used to think they were like people at the job center that wanted to help you, find you work etc, what crap I thought I was way wrong, their jobs are all about sales & hitting targets, they get anyone to join up and make out they will find you work just to keep their lists at a number each month and earn there commission. The only jobs I have got out of them is call center jobs, capita in Sheffield and Pc Service Call in Nottingham (now called capita i think lol) and I don’t even need to say how much of a crap place that is!

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Was unemployed years back. My experience, well, let's say it wasn't easy. I always worked you see. Even when my dad was working in shops, I use to go with him in weekend and after school, when I went to school.


Then worked in shops and moved from different jobs but I always liked doing business. I tried getting some help from the Job centre but nothing, so every chance I got, I would read business books, when I got monies, I'd invest to go on specialised courses and even pay someone to teach me certain skills on PPC and other skills I needed.


Signing on dole was not an experience I'd have again and never will. It wasn't the signing on. It was the workers I didn't get along with.


I had one guy behind desk, say, "You need to know, that I have to ask you have you been looking for work. I need a good reason why I should let you sign on today. I am not here to make it easy..etc etc.."


So I replied, "so you went on an assertiveness course or something? Sign me on you idoit and shut up.."


You're going to get people like that in there. So don't let them push you around.


It was a crap experience. That was some while back, years.


Anyway, I got my business plus family sorted themselves out and all got businesses too.


Just a while back, I was walking past a Job centre and I remember how it was, and thought of putting something together, how to design CV, cover letters, and enough info as I could for people to read and use it.


Anyway, I uploaded it on squidoo, so it's there if someone wants info on such things.


Hope it helps.

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The whole system is a farce if get made redundant it doesn't matter whether you have worked 5,10, 20 or 30 years you are only entitled to 6 months benefits yet people who have never contributed and have no intention of working get benefits for life. If you are responsible and have savings you can't get help but people who have boozed and smoked their money away get everything going. It's wrong!!!!

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