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How did your car manage in the snow today?

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At lunchtime I reconsidered the situation as the snow had stopped and the sun was out. I got the car down the lane to the main road and after that it was plain sailing. I had a swim and visited a supermarket. The car park was totally white with only one other car in it. I managed a full 360 spin before I realised the traction control was turned off. About 1.15 it had started to snow again and I beat a hasty retreat for home.

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I couldn't even make it to the end of the road. They don't grit my road as it's a dead end, so I ended up getting stuck and digging the car out to put it back where I started and had to walk :(


I wouldn't have tried using the car at all if I hadn't already been out once in the freezing cold only to find out when I got home that I'd been charged for something I hadn't received and the only way to sort it out was go back. But, seeing others had made it out I stupidly thought I'd manage it as well. Oh well, you live and learn. My car is staying put now until the snow has melted, that's for sure!

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Ford Focus 1.6. Whether it was my driving or the car I don't know, but it was bloody awful for me this morning. I did the right things - not overspinning the wheels / over-revving etc, starting off in second gear.


Twice I had to stop on an uphill slope and getting moving again was v stressful. Others seemed to manage this predicament tho so guess it's me and not the car.

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mine has not moved at all, but i am lucky as i didnt actually have to go anywhere.

however, being back at work tomorrow i tentatively got in to start it (and check if the water leak had been fixed).


my trusty lttle ka started as though nothing had even occured! and the carpet was dry, so looks like the leak is fixed, i was sure that melting snow would get in somehow...


mind you getting it off the drive tomorrow at 5am mite be another story, thick mound of snow and then sheet ice on the pavement behind it, if you see someone shaking table salt about at 5am, it me!

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Not sure about anyone else but I've found that wide tyres are rubbish, narrow ones tend to do alot better. Think thats why the smaller cars do better, uphill more traction and less weight perhaps? I dunno, I'm just making this up!! :)


I had heard that too. However I thought I did OK. I drive 6 year old Jaguar XKR. It has a 4 litre supercharged engine and has tyres a foot wide. Once I found the traction control it was fine. It only stopped once when the snow was deeper than the ground clearance. Even then I managed to reverse out and find a warm pub.:thumbsup:

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