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Facing Possible Redundancy


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I've just been told unofficially by my boss that either myself or another employee will be told officially that our job is at risk tomorrow when the 'hr girl' arrives.


What sort of questions do I need to be asking? They are talking about 'grading' us? What does that mean.


Does anyone have any advice?


Thanks in advance.

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Officially they should assess each person and score them based on certain criteria. The criteria CAN include salary,experience,work levels but can actually be based on anything.

(My wife works for a solicitor who is making all pay grades above £16k and replacing with them with junior staff.)

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Update. Both myself and the other girl were told officially this morning that our jobs were at risk. We were supposed to have a formal meeting with the HR woman this morning but she couldn't get in from Manchester. We have now been sent home and to come back on Monday morning at 8.30am for this meeting.


I have been told that I can take a witness but what other preparation should I do for this 'meeting'?

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Just had my 'formal meeting' today and was told it is me who is to be made redundant. They've told me I don't have to go back to work my notice. I have one more meeting on Friday to discuss any issues I have.


Found out also they are taking someone else on as the 'planning and production manager' who will be doing part of my job as I understand it.


Can they do this? If my job is redundant, surely they can't take someone else on to do it just by giving the job a different name and more responsibility can they?

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