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Facing Possible Redundancy


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The other person I was up against apparently had higher skills than me. I had been there 4.5 years, she had been there 5 months. I had greater experience, she had none prior to this job, she was always making mistakes, I wasn't, so quite honestly I think it's all a big fit up.


They've brought a guy in as the 'manager'. He used to work there but has come back today on the request on the management. He's will be doing my job as part of his duties. I'm so peed off, it's untrue right now.

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you can join a union and they will take the case on straight away

join cost £9 a month once used the services cancel

it covers any solicitors,court costs etc

im with unite


tel 08458504242

what they are doing to you is a old trick and well known

but if you win your case you can claim upto £60.000 plus reinstatement of your old job

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Thanks for the link barts96. I'm back in on Friday for a final meeting with them. Might just look into that before then. Feeling very peed off at the moment. Feels like they knew exactly what they were doing and planned it.

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