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Anyone use to live around wayland road S11


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  • 6 months later...

My Mum lived on Wayland Rd till the early 60's. She had 2 sisters and a brother. (Mum was youngest)

My Nan lived there till early 80's. Her house was bombed twice in the war.

I've been back several times and drive on there occassionally when cutting thro the estate.

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My Mum lived on Wayland Rd till the early 60's. She had 2 sisters and a brother. (Mum was youngest)

My Nan lived there till early 80's. Her house was bombed twice in the war.

I've been back several times and drive on there occassionally when cutting thro the estate.


Hi...oh great stuff...what number house did your mom and yr nan live at?? Maybe we know each other!!! Can remember my mom sayin she can remember some houses on wayland road being bombed...small world isnt it..yeh keep taking my mom and dad back down there to have a look...but theres an awful lot of student houses now dont you find? wouldnt have thought theres many 'original' residents left now..but who knows?? LOL

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Hi Poppypoppy,

My Mum lived at number 5-the 'Shones' Alan, Barbara, Janet and Judith.

My aunty (Barbara) also lived opposite the top of Linton Rd when I was a child (70's) but cant remember number possible 43/5/7. She lived there with her first husband and family.

I have a friend who lives at 51 so there is at least one family still there!!

Penny Bustin-newsreader used to live opposte my Nan. The only neighbours names I can remember were the 'Legats' at number 7.

Dont know if any of these names ring a bell,


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Hi Poppypoppy,

My Mum lived at number 5-the 'Shones' Alan, Barbara, Janet and Judith.

My aunty (Barbara) also lived opposite the top of Linton Rd when I was a child (70's) but cant remember number possible 43/5/7. She lived there with her first husband and family.

I have a friend who lives at 51 so there is at least one family still there!!

Penny Bustin-newsreader used to live opposte my Nan. The only neighbours names I can remember were the 'Legats' at number 7.

Dont know if any of these names ring a bell,



Hi...yeh I know yr family then...I knew yr nan and my parents also knew them...I know barbara too..her married name was burgin...she had 4 kids with alan...susan..sandra..david and kim...I used to knock around the them when I was a kid on wayland road...my mom hasnt seen barbara for a few yrs now..but the last time she saw barbara she was tellin my mom she had remarried and had had 2 boys..but like I say this was donkeys yrs back....but the next time you speak with barbara just remember us to her if you wud...let her know i'm ada and kens daughter from 39..same yard as mrs jackson...cos barbara used to live next door to mrs jackson...barbara lived at 45 we lived at 39..we were bang opposite lynton road...I remember the legats...I'm sure my older brother used to hang around with the legats son..if I got it right...can You remember Mrs Crow next door but one to yr nan?? I cant remember a penny bustin tho...is she the lady off of look north?? Can you remember the other side to yr nan...a mary adams?? She had a son called Paul I think..and a little yapping dog called cindy..that used to chase after yr ankles?? Isnt it funny wot sticks in yr mind from years back?? LOL..Oh yr friend lives at 51..my aunt and Uncle used to live at 53 but again this was when I was a child...I'm going back 35-45yrs here!! Yeh mom can remember shones house getting bombed...shes told us about it many times...goodness...small world isnt it?? Nice to hear from you anyhow..so you'll be judiths child then?? Think she was the youngest?? Memorys goin these days!! regards....poppy....

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I grew up on Wayland Road through 60s, 70s and early 80s my parents moved out of number 50 about twenty years ago and the the Mrs at number 51 was my mums best friend:hihi:

I remember the Burgins too, David used to occasionally take me to SDunday school.

I'm pretty sure we must know each other if not by name at least by sight.

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I grew up on Wayland Road through 60s, 70s and early 80s my parents moved out of number 50 about twenty years ago and the the Mrs at number 51 was my mums best friend:hihi:

I remember the Burgins too, David used to occasionally take me to SDunday school.

I'm pretty sure we must know each other if not by name at least by sight.


Oh..Helooo then :) No 50..now that would have been probably around where the garages were in the corner next to the rear of the church was it.. I think.??? .What do they call you if you dont mind me asking..if you dont want to say on here ..then youre quite welcome to pm me if thats better for you...and also if you went to sunday school..I presume it was the little church on Sharrowvale Road? Then yes youre probably right..we might know each other if not by name then by sight..cos I too went to Sunday School there..!!! Who was it at 51? I've forgotten who it was do you know!!! My aunt and uncle used to live at 53..blimey isnt it a small world...

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Hi..i grew up at wayland road off sharrowvale road in the 60s and 70s but my mom lived there from 1940 onwards until 1986...just wondering if anyone else used to live around there...been back a few times and wow its changed dramatically....


My wife who was then Anne Shaw lived at number 70 something, directly opposite Bowood Road, her dad Arnold was a fireman and also had a window cleaning round.

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