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Essential Sheffield ? Coming Soon...


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the thing with this is, there is enough gay people in sheffield to fill the places, its just that they all go to manchester etc...... to go out because its better. also the people of sheffield are very very fickle and only stick to what they know, places open and close cause people dont want to support them and thats something that the owners should be warey of. if the scene gets bigger people from all over will come, therefore the bars will be full, thus justification of more places to open. however if the gany community of sheffield dont get behins it then it is bound to fail as many other have before it, the problem is that people cant bring themselves away from dempseys and as i remember when affinity opened their club (cant remember the name) people were leaving to go to the dump, cause they werent willing to give it a go.


how many people go to climax? how many people went to gay pride, the evidence that the people are there, the secene is just, currently, not good enough to support it fully.

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  • 2 weeks later...
the thing with this is, there is enough gay people in sheffield to fill the places, its just that they all go to manchester etc...... to go out because its better. also the people of sheffield are very very fickle and only stick to what they know, places open and close cause people dont want to support them and thats something that the owners should be warey of. if the scene gets bigger people from all over will come, therefore the bars will be full, thus justification of more places to open. however if the gany community of sheffield dont get behins it then it is bound to fail as many other have before it, the problem is that people cant bring themselves away from dempseys and as i remember when affinity opened their club (cant remember the name) people were leaving to go to the dump, cause they werent willing to give it a go.


how many people go to climax? how many people went to gay pride, the evidence that the people are there, the secene is just, currently, not good enough to support it fully.


A lot of what you say is true, Darren; also there is possibly a 'cascade' effect, whereas a lot of Sheffield people often go on to events in Manchester, but at the same time lots of people from places like Rotherham with no gay scene at all, come to Sheffield for a night out...


In the case of 'the club which Affinity opened', I assume you mean Fuel, which was organised by a firm which had existing venues in Hull; Affinity came much later, as an expansion of Fuel, but then changed hands early on. The REAL problem why Fuel didn't have a lasting success in Sheffield was that for the most part, the owners ignored local Sheffield talent when it came to booking performers and went way over the odds importing costly acts from as far away as London, playing to half-empty houses on 'spare' nights such as Tuesdays and the like...

All very well, (I still remember seeing Lizzy Drip's stunning originality on one of these nights), but after a while of diminishing returns, it simply doesen't make economic sense.


What WILL definitely work, and I am keen to work with YOU, the OP, (Essentialshf), on this, is that a properly planned, managed and marketed weekly, (or even just monthly) Showgirl Drag Cabaret Evening with the best of LOCAL Originality and Talent, will successfully appeal to ALL who enjoy this kind of entertainment, Gay, straight, or whatever. If The Birdcage in Leeds or 'Funnygals' in Barnsley can be a success, then so should there be a niche for it in Sheffield. (BTW, I will be piloting my own Drag Cabaret evening on 27 March at the Moorfoot, but I will give more details on this soon on the 'Evenings Out' thread, suffice to say if you are free on that night, you are welcome to watch me showcase my own talent!:thumbsup:

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i do have to agree with Damo on this one, the thing that Fuel did not rely on was their entertainment as it was so random and not every week. The last thing i would want in a new bar to open up is grag artists all the time and entertainment, as the majority of time i want to go out for a dance not to be slagged off by some bitter "man in a frock". This is not my idea of fun or a good night out. And in the same vain if i wanted to see someone i certainly would not want to see some 2 bit drag queen perform for me cause she is local! i would rather a professional, entertaining person would come up from else where, rather than being entertained by a humorless ametur.


Frankly if esstenial was to open something in sheffield, i would urge it not to use constant entertainment, as drag queens are quite honestly old hat.


I would much rather have some where that was a little classier, with a good atmospere, that would attract people from other places other than rotherham, bransley etc....


How many people do you speak to in Birmingham who arrange a gay night out in Sheffield, simarly those from Manchester, London, Newcastle, Liverpool (the list goes on) however we are more than happy to go to those places for the variety.


**The club i referred to was the one down the hill from Affintiy not Fuel!**

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  • 4 weeks later...
^ good idea its about time the whole scene worked together to provide a service for the gays, rather than splitting them down the middle!


Very strange quote, coming from someone who seems to be imposing his own very narrowminded ideas of Drag Entertainment on as many people as possible...


It is only a minority of drag queens who 'slag off' customers, and I am certainly not one of them; indeed I have myself (and a few other people as well) been slagged off in the past in the most nasty way by a certain drag queen who blew in all the way from Leicester to entertain at a local bar, but whom thankfully is now absent from the scene....


There are certain standards that Drag Artistes have to adhere to and I am glad that the majority of us do observe them.


Drag performance is a very old and skilled art form, many of us categorise it as a branch of clowning; you certainly wouldn't get away with making such comments to the face of circus clowns, neither should you expect to in the case of Drag Artistes.

For more info on the Art of Drag, see Wiki at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_queen



BTW, to get back on topic, any more news about Essential/Queer's plans for NYLON? I passed the premises recently last week, and noticed that the whole place is boarded up, including the railed-off smoking 'balcony' by the door...:thumbsup:

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i am not being narrow minded by any stretch of the imagination and nor am i pushing my views on to others, it just seems that every time a new place wants to open you immediatley offer your service, not every venue wants a drag queen, i believe that the other bars we have could cater for you and your entertainment, not everyone wants to see a drag queen in every gay bar in sheffield, sometimes you need a break from it, just because somewhere is gay does that mean there has to me a man in a frock trying to entertain us, in every single one

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