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Embassy Court flats.


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On another thread Embassy Court flats on Duke St are mentioned. It stirred up memories regarding Regent Court flats at Owlerton/Hillsbro. I seem to recollect they were owned by the same company, based in London. Anyone know about this?

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Can't offer any light on your question Texas. But you raised the Embassy Court Flats. An aunt of mine lived there for many years. When they pulled them down she broke down in tears. Her flat there had been her life. I used to dread going into that building. The lifts were ancient, heavy metal screen doors that were hard to open. I always used the stairs and she lived on the 4th floor. My dad once told me that when they demolished those flats they found all kinds of structural defects, an accident waiting to happen.

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rogG, It was your thread on Duke Street that reminded me of my original question. My source was a guy called Murray, interesting man, he was the manager on Regent Court. At one time I think he'd been manager of the Regent Cinema. He told me that the owners of Regent Court were Hassidic Jews, and from time to time they'd show up on an inspection complete with the long coats, hats and sidelocks. He also knew Maurice Chevalier(just thought I'd throw that in just to name drop).

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I believe Armin Krausz was the man behind the building of the Regent Court Flats.


It was his original conception of building the complex.


Armin was a jewish scholar and Zionist, a well respected member of the jewish community and an author.


Although religious I doubt if he was Hassidic.


He went to live in Israel where I believe he ended his days.



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Thanks Plain Talker. Now you're not going to believe this but I can remember Regent Court when I was very young, I was being pushed in a 'pushchair' by my Grandma' up the road passing the flats, and my birthyear is '33, so I reckon they were built before '36.

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