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Boss coming over need the best restaurant


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Hi to everyone.


My husbands boss is flying over from Australia tomorrow and hubby has asked me to book us a meal for Fri night in a posh (money no object)restaurant. He is staying centrally so we don't want to got too far afield. Can anyone suggest anything.


I have rang Milano's but they are booked up! Apart from Indian or Japanese we are open to suggestions.


I have been reading through all the old post's but thought it may be easier to just start a new thread.







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Hi there and welcome to the forum!

Im no restaurant critic,but i recently had a meal at the St.Pauls hotel-it was expensive but the food was lovely and the service fantastic-youve also got the glass wall with the winter gardens to look at.

I was impressed-certainly not the usual kind of place id go to. You cant really get more central either!

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If you want somewhere very central there's Piccolino opposite the peace gardens. Although its a chain it still provides a high standard of dining and on the one occasion on which I've visited I found both the food and sevice very impressive.

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Okay, because the boss is from Australia, then their seafood must be pretty decent, and the standard of Japanese restaurant is pretty high too. They may lack authentic European dishes though. As is SE Asian fusion is pretty high standard in Australia. (I had a friend who is Australian and do not rate the Chinese, or the Japanese, and so forth.) SE Asian is maybe out. Yet, my friend really likes the roast dinners in that pub near S10, which I leep forgetting the name of.


You may be surprised, but good decent European dishes may be a novelty to your Australian boss.


I agree with the choices suggested about Nonnas, or Piccolinos, or even just somewhere like Strada. (Okay, this place may be a tad basic.) I haven't been to the other restaurants as suggested, so I don't really know what they are like.

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