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Save the Great British Pub !


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I know there is a mega thread on here about all the pubs that are closing down, but have you ever asked yourself why?


Its not just customer change of habits or the smoking ban, but a major reason is because almost have of our pubs are owned by 2 Propcos - Punch & Enterprise Inns. These companies have been bleeding this industry dry for the last few years with extortionate high rents and ridiculous beer ties.


Some of you go into your local & buy a bottle of beer and cant believe your landlord is selling it at £2.30 + especially when you can buy a case of the same beer in the supermarket for £12 - £15. However if your landlord has a lease with one of the above companies he has to buy his beer from them only and is charged more in the region of £22 + per case.


There are many other ways these companies are screwing the industry up, and at the moment there is a Goverment BEC Inquiry into this, and also several other MP's taking up these issues aswell.


If you support your local please go here & find out more !




Please note i am fortunate enough not to have a lease with either of the above but some of the horror stories i have witnessed myself, means that if we are to save a few of the last local pubs we need to do something about it.



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Golden - if you go to Fair Pint or Morning Advertiser forums there are lots of people on there who are also lessees. If you want further info pm me.


The BEC Enquiry will hopefully get rid of the tie & rent increases and see these Propcos for what they are. But in all seriousness there is so much chatter about Punch putting together a pre-pack before going into Receivership that i think you can say goodbye to your deposits. Hope im wrong, but its not looking good with share prices swinging between 30-40p.

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The BEC Enquiry will hopefully get rid of the tie & rent increases and see these Propcos for what they are. But in all seriousness there is so much chatter about Punch putting together a pre-pack before going into Receivership that i think you can say goodbye to your deposits. Hope im wrong, but its not looking good with share prices swinging between 30-40p.


All the Pub Co's are in dire straits, Enterprise too are in trouble as are M and B and virtually all smaller Pub Co's too. There's is a business model that is dated and cannot possibly survive in 2009......the pubs will survive I hasten to add, but the top level ownership structures will all change I am sure.....the greedy fat cats will be fed to the dogs

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Its a bloody tough one, but there's a lot of blood & misery on E.I's hands. Some of the stories are horrific.


Indeed...enough material for a Hollywood blockbuster in fact.......now who would be playing the role of the completely evil and head of extortion Enterprize Inns Chief Executive I wonder......and who would best play the parts of the BRM (Business relationship Managers), out to fleece you of ALL your life savings in one swoop and then kick you out on the street.....your suggestions would be interesting.......

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