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What are the main problems with renting?

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I'm interested to hear from tenants and landlords alike what the main problems facing them are. As tenants, what are your main concerns when considering renting? From a landlord's point of view, are you considering letting privately but unsure of how to go about this? Any feedback would be very useful, thank you :thumbsup:

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As a tenant, persuading the landlord to do repairs, repeatedly having to phone and ask about them, the landlord not bothering with "minor" repairs or ones that arent an emergency, the bother of quarterly inspections, not being able to change a light fitting without asking permission, worrying how long the let will last if you want a long term home, also paying out "dead money".

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council tax, especially when you live in a shared house where different people move in and out at different times of the year, as opposed to all moving at the same time.


it is a nightmare trying to keep the payments consistant and up to date when you are having to try and get the council to send you a new, amended, bill every few months - they take forever.


also, as is my situation, when one of those tenants is a student, but the others aren't, trying to sort out the 25% discount is nearly impossible and causes a lot of friction.

think it would be better for landlords that let on this individual contract basis to include council tax in the rent so there is no hassle, or not mix students and professionals in the same house.


(NB not all of these types of houses fall under the house of multiple occupancy rules)

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As a Landlord - the problems have been: rent not being paid on time or not at all and having to repeatedly contact the tenants; tenants not reporting repairs being needed (including flooding the kitchen when a washing machine leaked creating a lot of damage); tenants not understanding that drying washing inside without opening windows can cause condensation and eventually mould; tenants leaving property in a disgusting state; tenants leaving piles of their rubbish and property that we had to dispose of; dogs causing damage (never let to tenants with a dog in particular, although I know of one property that was infested with fleas after the landlord allowed a cat as a pet, without a huge bond); tenants letting the gas run out on a prepaid meter and not being able to start the boiler again; Mainly not communicating.

On the plus side, most of the tenants are nice and friendly people, who care for the property, pay rent on time and communicate when there is a problem.

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Thanks for that :) I would just add that there are responsible pet owners out there who are respectful of the property, it's a shame to hear you've encountered some of the less responsible ones. I'm curious to know, did you let through an agency or do you handle things yourself?

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Thanks for your reply. I've allowed 2 dog owners into properties, both signing agreements about making good damage, mess etc. and assurances that their dog was perfect. Neither kept to this and carpets and chewed furniture had to be replaced and gardens cleared of mess after the tenants left. I personally will not have dogs in my properties again. I admit these were bad tenants and I'm sure there are good pet owners but I'm not willing to take the risk again.

We manage all our properties ourselves, myself and son, using local builders, Corgi gas engineers etc. for the things we can't do and advertise on the internet. We have 4 properties.

Hope this is helpful.

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I've been a tenant living in two different properties for five years in total. Both rented through agencies. The one I am currently renting was in an appalling state when we moved in, but it was OK a month earlier when we looked round it. The previous tenants just left it in a mess and we were expected to clean it up! The previous tenants never got their bond back yet the agent took the money to pay for cleaning. The only thing the landlord did was wet vac the lounge carpet.


The day we moved in the lounge door was hanging off attached by one hinge, the heating didn't work and it was -4 out, every window in the property was rotten - they promised to replace them - they haven't completed the job and one window has a hole in the wooden frame. (The heating still fails on a regular basis and the rooms in winter are often only 7 degrees). There were bootprints up the wall in one room. In another room wallpaper was hanging off the walls. The rooms were just plain dirty. The list goes on. We've sugar soaped every room. We've painted the majority of the rooms in neutral colours with the landlord's consent. We wet vac'd the carpets in the other rooms.


In the middle of May last year after we had just painted the lounge we found a damp patch on the external wall. The damp was also in two bedrooms, resulting in damage to our property. Subsequently, the side of the house was re-pointed. The pointer had access to our home and used our electricity for 4 weeks, and had scaffolding up for 6 weeks in the garden, making it difficult to park.


We haven't been financially compensated for cleaning the house, paying for the paint - and it had to be painted because some of the walls were stained. We haven't been compensated for our damaged furniture or the electricity that the landlord's friend, "the pointer" used for 4 weeks. I've raised this with the agent and they say the landlord has done all he is obliged to do.


Both agents were very slow to ensure repairs were done. I hate the quarterly inspections - every time they come they say, "I don't know why we keep coming to this place" and we have two dogs!! This might not be my property, but it is my home and I do like to keep it clean.


I have now bought a house and I will never ever rent again. I appreciate that some landlords are nice. Our first one actually was, but the agent was a poor communicator to them. My current landlord and agent disgust me, they have no morals and are out for all the money they can get.


My advice if you are a landlord is to hold up your side of the bargain. Make sure that you would be happy to live in the place you are renting. Get essential repairs done in a timely fashion. You are then totally justified in charging the right price for your property and evicting selfish idiots who are out to exploit you by not paying.

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Thanks for your reply. I've allowed 2 dog owners into properties, both signing agreements about making good damage, mess etc. and assurances that their dog was perfect. Neither kept to this and carpets and chewed furniture had to be replaced and gardens cleared of mess after the tenants left. I personally will not have dogs in my properties again. I admit these were bad tenants and I'm sure there are good pet owners but I'm not willing to take the risk again.

We manage all our properties ourselves, myself and son, using local builders, Corgi gas engineers etc. for the things we can't do and advertise on the internet. We have 4 properties.

Hope this is helpful.


Sorry to hear about your bad experiences, there are always some people who will give others a bad name. Were you able to collect references from previous landlords at all? Sorry for all the questions, if you'd rather PM me please feel free, you are just the kind of person i'm looking for feedback from. No worries if not, you've been very helpful already :)

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I've been a tenant living in two different properties for five years in total. Both rented through agencies. The one I am currently renting was in an appalling state when we moved in, but it was OK a month earlier when we looked round it......



First of all i am appalled to hear the way you have been treated, it sounds like you've had a horrible run of bad luck/landlords/agencies.


It sounds as though you had viewed when tenanted and also signed for it, then come to move in finding it in a poor state? At this point did you challenge the agency,the description of the property upon moving in sounds absolutely unacceptable. Are you aware that private tenants are still able to make a complaint to the local council, who will carry out an inspection and make sure the landlord completes essential works. See the following link for more information - http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/in-your-area/housing-services/private-sector-housing/private-landlords/private-tenants

Also see this page on the Shelter site - http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/advice_topics/repairs_and_bad_conditions/repairs_in_private_lets

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