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How do i attract more customers


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they may well bombard you with e-mails, etc - but wil you ever be able to talk to them? discuss your design? what do you do if it doesn't look they way you wanted it to?

and your money not only goes out of the sheffield economy, it goes abroad.


please do try some of the suggestions that involve working with a local provider - who you can talk to, get advice from and negotiate with.


who knows, you might even end up being recommended on to someone else!

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A small group of us ladies are meeting next week to discuss a plan of action for promoting property-based work to the public. As a concept it's in it's very early stages, but let me know if you are interested, and I'll pm you the details




Room for one more? My wife's a painter & decorator and may well be interested in this. She can be reached on 07708 382430, or pm Dolls on this site.



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