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Murder of Innocents

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The Government has now decided to champion childrens rights, to avoid abuse and Murder of children like little Victoria Climbie. But are not the Social Services just as guilty of Murder by indifference as the Monsters who actually commit the crime?


What good are they? they knew when this little girl was being abused and did nothing, what are we paying them for? all of them should be sacked and replaced by others who are competent to do the job, these nincompoops sit around in their warm comfortable offices drinking tea, whilst defenceless mites are being killed.


Each time it happens, (and it keeps on happening) they say well, "this time lessons will have to be learned", but they never are!!! why put up with such stupid arrogance, incompetence and indifference? when our children are being brutally killed.


These idiots are being paid good money for Heavens sake!!! to look to the welfare of helpless babies and doing nothing for it, disband the Social services I say, because they are worse than useless, I could do a better job myself and I do not have any degrees in Social science.


Finally, I think it is time to re think the law on capital punishment and bring back judicial execution, because the law has gone soft and Murder now has become commonplace, it is the only solution to combat the extreme evil that is plagueing our society.

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