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Help! Shall I ring or not?

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Yes i would say that ringing the day after sounds a little desperate and could harm your position in any future wage regotiations- i would leave it till wedneday afternoon at the latest and then give them a ring using the advice that others have given on here.


remember- they could be interviewing over a few days as people can't always make regular times as they may already have jobs!

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I suppose you may run the risk of appearing pushy, but then again, you may just appear to be eager to start, depends on the person you are ringing. It's a bit of a 6 of one thing. If you got on well with them during your interview I don't think it would be a horrible thing to give them a bell.

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The advice I was always given was to send a letter thanking the interviewer for their time. In the letter, re-iterate what your selling points are.


It's ages since I've had an interview and email is now more abundant than then so I suppose an email would be just as good.



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I went for my 2nd interview yesterday for a job that i REALLY want, she said she'd be in touch, i know the company are desperate to take somebody on asap so i know its not going to be a lengthy process, shall i call them or wait until tommorow? its so painfull waiting!:huh:


No Dear John case

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If you email, you must make sure you don't write as you write here. Use capitals where they should be used, it's considered to be sloppy writing to type like that and will single you out from others in contention.


Personally, I don't care how you write.

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If they want you they will call you. Interviews do sometimes take place over a day or two or sometimes the interview panel need to consider results from any tests or presentations you have done. They may even call someone to offer them the job, that person turns it down, then they call their second favourite. So don't give up but do be patient!

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I was interviwed for a job in 1967. Never heard from them for 2 or 3 weeks. I nervously rang them then and the guy said I dind't know you were really interested. Come and see me again. I went and he gave me the job. This job literally changed my whole life afterwards and I often think I'm glad I pushed that 2nd. interview. All the best.Go for it John.

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