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The Common Room on Division Street

happy monday

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i have started going back into the Common Room after a bit away from the city and must say its got loads better. a great food menu (we had a massive bucket of chicken wings and a couple of pizza's for like £10)..coupled with great staff and the music was wicked! would even take a girl there as its not like most sports bars and full of men. Much improved from when it first opened and was full of chavvy men! i recomend!

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why how much is it? is it still worth going there instead of paying £1 a game down the local?


ive been in the elbow rooms in leeds and thats about £10-12 an hour?


just been on their website and the prices are £3 per hour in the day and £6 at night weekends are £9 an hour ..... seems reasonable to me?

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Hi guys :)


Just to let you know the prices for pool at the Common Room -


Mon Day - 5p per minute

Mon Night - 10p per minute


Tues Day - 5p per minute

Tues Night - 10p per minute


Weds Day - 5p per minute

Weds Night - 10p per minute


Thurs Day - 5p per minute

Thurs Night - 10p per minute


Fri Day - 5p per minute

Fri Night - 15p per minute


Sat Day - 10p per minute

Sat Night - 15p per minute


Sun Day - 10p per minute

Sun Night - 10p per minute


5p per minute = £3 per hour

10p per minute = £6 per hour

15p per minute = £9 per hour


Day = 11am - 5pm

Night = 5pm - Close


If you have any other questions, just give me a shout!


Cheers! :thumbsup:


Clare at the Common Room

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Yep, really clever way of disguising the extortinate prices at a weekend, i'm sure plenty will fall for that. Oh and your tables are incredibly poor, who looks after the cloths? Do they have a clue what they are doing? I used to go there quite often when it was cheaper but now prefer to head over to Rileys at Eccy Road.

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