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Ecstacy, class A- are politicians mad?

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Just wanted to add that ecstasy should remain as a class A as one of my mates died as a result of a dodgy tablet, yet he used them plenty of times before there just simply not safe, i am sure if someone close to us died in result of ecstasy we would have different opinions. Dealers should get longer sentences as they do not really know what type of drugs they are selling as every batch would be different and the effect would be different on everyone who uses them.


Without wishing to be insensitive to what must have been very distressing for you, that in itself is not a reason for the drug to remain a class A substance. My friend's brother was killed by a motorist while cycling, but that does not mean that cycling should be outlawed.

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When I was down and at a low point in my life, do you know what a close family member said to me? If I cannot handle this, then I ought to just go and jump over the bridge and into the river Thames. Gosh, it were harsh words, but now thinking back to those words, how true it all is. I am sure that there were a lot of people even worst off than me back then. At least I was still healthy and alive.


My reason is not to turn this into a religious debate, but maybe I wanted to inject a sense of morality, and personal responsibility into all of this. If one person can handle it, then why can't another person?





Have you ever considered a career in mental health?

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Just wanted to add that ecstasy should remain as a class A as one of my mates died as a result of a dodgy tablet, yet he used them plenty of times before there just simply not safe, i am sure if someone close to us died in result of ecstasy we would have different opinions. Dealers should get longer sentences as they do not really know what type of drugs they are selling as every batch would be different and the effect would be different on everyone who uses them.


If it was legal he could have bought a proper tablet.

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I really don't see how those two statements contradict each other Bago. The first would indicate somebody who engages in long-term continued drug use, or rather addiction, in order to pretend that the reality they are living in does not even exist at all. Alcoholism would be a perfect example of this. The second statement refers to people who work all week in an unskilled and monotonous job with little or no prospects, and like to go out to a club at the weekend and take ecstasy just to forget about their everyday life and feel good for just a few hours. This, I would imagine, accounts for the large majority of ecstasy users in the UK.


Maybe I wasn't clear enough to differentiate between these two kinds of escapism in my original post, but I really don't expect you to understand. Clearly, from everything you have posted so far on this subject, you appear to be a very strong-willed and mentally disciplined person who has never faced either of these situations. If everybody was the same then surely this world would be some kind of utopia. But most people on this planet are not capable of that level of discipline. Or perhaps they are but have never explored their potential to be. Either way, we are a long, long way from achieving that utopian dream.

Maybe I had good people around me who pulled me back from doing that. Or maybe at times, I did not have to do this to get respect and acceptance from my peers. How do you know what I have and have not faced? Is it not too presumptious of yourself to write that?


I am merely saying that everyone has the same opportunities if only people open their eyes to look. Sometimes it is more of a mental block that we put in front of ourselves than anything. We all try to make something of our lives. I don't think many people truly like their jobs. You either learn to find something that you are happy with, or you learn to love the job. I think I am one of those who learned to love my job.


I apologise for inferring that you considered yourself to be better than the millions of poeople who feel this way. I have re-read your posts and clearly you did not make that insinuation and I'm sorry.


I do, however, need to pick you up on one part of your previous post...

It may sound absurd in your mind, but my comment meant that if something plagues you so much in your mind, you need to rest your mind from thinking about it. Most people achieve this by sleeping. It is downtime for your brain.


Can you not see the absolute absurdity of this?

If you have been through the worst part in life, I think anything looks really insignificant. Maybe we are born into a different generation. If we do not even have food and shelter in our lives, should we not be thankful when we do have it?

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She clearly has no concept that her "low point" would have been someone else's good day. The statement not only beggars belief, but also buggers it

I know that you have taken that drugs in your life, and why should you compare your own experiences to my own experiences in life? That's a load of crap. Maybe you think that you yourself have it hard and is done by the world. Or maybe others choose to have a lighter view of the world, despite the hand that they are dealt with?


The sarcasm is not so funny today Mr Teafan.


I am sorry to see that you so reject someone with a different opinion to yourself on such an issue.

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I know that you have taken that drugs in your life, and why should you compare your own experiences to my own experiences in life? That's a load of crap. Maybe you think that you yourself have it hard and is done by the world. Or maybe others choose to have a lighter view of the world, despite the hand that they are dealt with?


The sarcasm is not so funny today Mr Teafan.


I am sorry to see that you so reject someone with a different opinion to yourself on such an issue.


What you are missing bago is that people who use drugs for "fun" are short cutters.

They aren't willing to work on something to get it right but need instant gratification.

They tend to exhibit the same shallow thoughts in every aspect of their lives. It's the thing that will always make them losers and lesser people than the rest of us.

You can't really make an argument with these types as they will always come back with the same old crap to defend their heartless stupidity.


They don't give a rats about the numbers killed in drug wars. They close their eyes to death and misery caused by drug use here. They ignore all the secondary crime and claim it's all down to drugs being illegal.

They miss the people forced into prostitution to pay for their habits and the horrendous crime carried out by gangs defending the drug profits.

They don't give a flying turd about the land mines laid by drug growers maiming and killing poor farmers in Columbia or about more than 5000 killed in Mexico this year alone.

All they want is fun.


Nice try but you can't win an argument with selfish, closed minded idiots. :)

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Again, few people 'need' to use drugs. They choose to because they enjoying doing so. People take drugs for different reasons. For some, it could be to make an evening out more fun, similar to why people drink alcohol. They might take them to relax, and others might take certain drugs to alleviate medical problems.


Whatever their reason for taking drugs is, can you give me one good reason as to why they should justify this activity to somebody such as yourself, in order for it to be legal?


What do you enjoy doing upinwath? Would you be happy if you had to explain why you partake in every recreational activity to people who it doesn't affect in order for your activity to be legal?


Finally, 'why you need them when most do not?'. Please reconsider this statement, you should realise that the majority of people do take drugs, whether legal or illegal for a variety of recreational, medical and practical reasons.


I will start with the medical. Non argument. We are talking about 'fun' drugs.

If you need drugs of any type to enjpoy yourself or relax you really are a sad loser. I don't need them to do any of that as most I know do not.


You need to justify suck stupidity as so many die for your 'fun'. If it was harmless I would have no problem with drugs or the selfish idiots that use them.


I don't expect to justify my hobbies to you as no one gets hurt by them and not a single granny has ever been beaten up for chess money.


I repeat, the majority do not use drugs. What you mean is the majority you know use them. The majority of people aren't that stupid.

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I know that you have taken that drugs in your life, and why should you compare your own experiences to my own experiences in life? That's a load of crap. Maybe you think that you yourself have it hard and is done by the world. Or maybe others choose to have a lighter view of the world, despite the hand that they are dealt with?


The sarcasm is not so funny today Mr Teafan.


I am sorry to see that you so reject someone with a different opinion to yourself on such an issue.


You've entirely missed my point, which was this: to you at that time, "why don't you jump off a bridge" might have been the correct response, but to someone else it would have been the worst possible thing to say. And to imply that if you can cope with something then other people should be able to is ignorant. That is why purdy sarcastically asked if you'd considered working in mental health (please don't!!)

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They don't give a rats about the numbers killed in drug wars. They close their eyes to death and misery caused by drug use here. They ignore all the secondary crime and claim it's all down to drugs being illegal.

They miss the people forced into prostitution to pay for their habits and the horrendous crime carried out by gangs defending the drug profits.

They don't give a flying turd about the land mines laid by drug growers maiming and killing poor farmers in Columbia or about more than 5000 killed in Mexico this year alone.

All they want is fun.


Are you saying this is related to the ecstasy trade?


And are you an oil user?

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