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Ecstacy, class A- are politicians mad?

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Top 20 most dangerous drugs (1 being most dangerous; 20 being least dangerous)

1. Heroin

2. Cocaine

3. Barbiturates

4. Street methadone

5. Alcohol

6. Ketamine

7. Benzodiazepines

8. Amphetamine

9. Tobacco

10. Buprenorphine

11. Cannabis

12. Solvents

13. 4-MTA

14. LSD

15. Methylphenidate

16. Anabolic steroids

17. GHB

18. Ecstasy

19. Alkyl nitrates

20. Khat


cannabis in the middle????

you can die from EVERY one of those in the short term as well as long term apart from cannabis.......and i think tobbaco?

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Top 20 most dangerous drugs (1 being most dangerous; 20 being least dangerous)

1. Heroin

2. Cocaine

3. Barbiturates

4. Street methadone

5. Alcohol

6. Ketamine

7. Benzodiazepines

8. Amphetamine

9. Tobacco

10. Buprenorphine

11. Cannabis

12. Solvents

13. 4-MTA

14. LSD

15. Methylphenidate

16. Anabolic steroids

17. GHB

18. Ecstasy

19. Alkyl nitrates

20. Khat


Where abouts do Bacon sarnies with HP sauce come on the list ? Had one at work the other day and I'm sure they're addictive :suspect:

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cannabis in the middle????

you can die from EVERY one of those in the short term as well as long term apart from cannabis.......and i think tobbaco?


You can die from cannabis, but you need a large quantity of it and someone to drop it on your head from a great height.


But since it is most often consumed with tobacco, it merits its middling position.


I would have put barbiturates at the top, but then I'm not a Nutt.

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I guess the Gov't did what they did was that the advisory group / reserach group made their decision based on one issue - namly, impact on health.


The Gov't has to take that into account along with public perception, impact on crime, projected increased uptake if downgraded, etc. Lots of factors to take into account.


I'm not saying they are right ......just trying to be supportive and understanding of the Gov't and their decision making process.

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It really doesn't matter to be honest. More and more people are starting to realise that the war on drugs has failed, and that what little advice/comments the government gives on the matter is often inaccurate and biased.

Eventually enough people will realise this and it will only be a matter of time until things change drastically. I have been following the debate for only a few years, but its already notcieable on message boards and through conversations that the publics attitude is changing. Every time the government releases some inaccurate information, or knee jerk policy, a little bit more credibility is lost.

Take a look on the bbc's 'have your say' for example. Look at the proportion of people (including doctors, lawyers and police) who are for full legalisation, compared with the people who are for prohibition. Its also interesting to note that the majority of people who are for prohibition have not tried any recreational drugs themselves, and therefore cannot give an informed opinion. They only have the information that is given to them by the media and government. So as i say, its only a matter of time before things change...

So don't worry when you hear the government condemning drug use or jacqui smith spouting some rubbish about the dangers and evils - it used to really annoy me... now i just laugh and wait. :hihi:

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The whole classification system for drugs is a nonsense and is becoming more and more meaningless as politicians determine which drug should go where based on political rather than medical theory. It's obvious that ecstasy is nowhere near any of the other class A drugs in either its damage to health or its social damage.

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If you need drugs to have a good time you are a pathetic looser.


End of. :)


Perhaps if you 'needed' drugs to have a good time, then maybe that is a bit pathetic. But how about if you just enjoyed taking drugs recreationally? The majority of people who take drugs do not 'need' to take them to have a good time, they just enjoy taking them, pretty similar having a drink.


Also, this is just your opinion, if these 'pathetic losers' (of whom you would probably retract that statement upon realising many have achieved great success in their lives), enjoy taking drugs responsibly, who are you to tell them they can't?


This is what the debate on prohibition is about - not your personal view on other peoples social habits, but on the actual, factual damage done by drugs and how to minimise this. I personally think that people who sepnd all day playing online computer games are pathetic - but this is my view, i don't think it should be made illegal.

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If you need drugs to have a good time you are a pathetic looser.


End of. :)


Some people have a glass of wine, some people smoke fags, some people meditate, some listen to music and some people go out fighting. People get pleasure from different things, your sweeping generalisation is complete nonsense.

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