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Memories of Stocksbridge High School


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Hi everyone,

I am studying for an MA in History at the University of Sheffield and as part of this I'm doing a work placement at Stocksbridge High School. This year is the 80th anniversary of the school's opening so to celebrate it they are trying to gather a history of the school.


I was wondering if there are any people on here who went to Stocksbridge High and if so would you be willing to answer a few questions about your time here. I've set out a few basic questions below, if you could either reply to the thread or PM me that would be great. I'm only doing the placement until the end of the month but if possible I was going to see about possibly interviewing people about their experiences so if anyone would be up for that if you could let me know as well that would be brilliant.


Anyway, here are the questions (if you'd rather not do it in this format and would prefer to just write a paragraph or so that's fine of course):


- When did you attend the school?

- How did you find the experience?

- Do you have any specific memories of your time (good or bad and the more the better!)?

- Have you been back to the school recently? And if so, what do you think of the school now?


Thanks for your help!

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