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Hats off policy @ Park Hotel Hillsborough


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Maybe not, but theoretically anyone could wear a hiijab.


yes, but i reckon it would one look very suspicious:suspect:

and that they would most definately not get served alcohol as you cannot practice think 21 when you cant see a face.

i refused to sell someone cigarettes once cos they were wearing a hijab, she took no offence once i explained why not

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I got asked the same last year in the Fountain in town, on a Saturday afternoon. Was wearing a beanie hat as it was snowing and cold out, didnt want to take it off cos my hair was a mess under it. We were going to have something to eat in there, but walked out after that and went somewhere else instead.


Dont you know it is so that Big Brother can see you and know where you are at all times 24 hours a day, every day ....

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Maybe not, but theoretically anyone could wear a hiijab.


Yes but if in theory someone who was wearing a hijab for theorys sake was asked to remove it, they could not have any religiuos or moral objection to removing it and therefore it would just be the same as asking them to remove any other type of other headgear, ie a hat.

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whys my reply been removed? is it becos once again it may upset someoine of the ethnic background.... wot ever happened to freedom of speech this countrys seriously gunna pot...



You will find freedom of speech over there -------->


Off you pop, if that's what you want. Here on Sheffield Forum, the mod's decision is final.

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