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Anyone remember Helen Road in Darnall?


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My Nan lived on Helen Road, it ran off Greenland Road and was next to Coleford Road. Just around the bottom corner was a shop my Nan called "Teddys" which was a grocers shop I think.


We used to walk up to the old Darnall terminus through "the Rec" which I seem to remember may have been a small army base during the war as I can vaguely remember seeing tanks in a garage in there, or I may have dreamt that bit!!


My nan took me to the Stores which was the Co-op I think, and was on a road that we walked along to get to the terminus.


The houses on Helen Road were the usual 2 up 2 down terraces of 5 with a yard at the back and a toilet at the end of the yard. There was a motor business of some sort at the back of the yard. I remember a big garage of sorts with vehicles in. Can anyone enlighten me with this?


I would be interested to hear from anyone who had family on Helen Road, my Nan lived at number 76 which was in the first yard on the left as you walked up from Greenland Road

Edited by tasha_78
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The houses were purpose built to house army personnel, previously it was just a tip where a fair was held annually, next to it was a recreation ground, opposite to which was a chip shop which backed on to Darnall Cemetery. A cousin of mine lived on Helen Road just down on the right hand side, there was a large arch opening through to the back yard. He had seven sons. The Co-op was on Craven Road.

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  • 2 years later...
I remember Helen rd. I used to deliver milk on that road, I used to work at the Express dairy and I lived on Coleridge rd between jubilee and fitzmaurice roads. Good days they were.


i used to help deliver milk when i was young with a shire horse and dray. cant remember name of milk man but the horse was called dolly.

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