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The best school dinner ever 1978


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well there was the school dinners that you remember, in 1978, semolina with jam, sponge pudding and custard, maybe red sponge with icing, chocolate sponge with chocolate custard, BUT THIS IS THE DADDY OF THEM ALL


chips , beans, maybe tomatoes, and .........................CHEESE PIE............

now were not talkin your average cheese pie here, oh no, it looked like a flan, and the cheese was so strong, i can taste it now, beaver hill 1978, this was school dinner heaven , ive never tasted anything to this day as good or as nice, you normally had 2nds ,


My wife was a school cook in the 70's and she remembers nearly 20 pounds of cheese was used in the cheese pies for 180 children.The days before cuts,no wonder it tasted strong

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God how could anyone have liked schooldinners? I have a vivid memory of Miss Lomas forcing me to eat fish pie at Stannington Infant school, if I was American I'd sue them, for all the food problems I have had since

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Mmmmm i remember the cheese flan too and theres an ex school cook as my moms neighbour!! asked her many times about the cheese flan but she said she hated it...probably due to having to cook it on so many occasions....the pastry i think was wholemeal too?? Does anyone remember having mashed potatoes..veggies and i forgot what meat..but then they poured lashings of tomato gravy over it..i expect looking back now it was tomato soup!! But at the time it was lovely...mmmmmmm....memories....

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thanks for the memories craig, you sound like your about my age (almost 40 :help:)remember most of the clubs etc you mentioned but didnt actually go to any cos my dad was quite strict and didnt let me out much!!!!


My worse school dinner had to be luncheon meat fritters!!!!:(:(:(:(:(:gag:


Hated em so much, but in them days there wasnt a alternative, but sometimes dinner lady would do you a fried egg instead!!!

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Just come across this thread. My wife has been going on about school dinner cheese pie/flan for weeks. Never tasted a flan like it. Surely someone must have a recipe or some idea how it was made. Cheese flan, chips and beans were my favourite!!

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im 45 aldam, went to beaver hill in 78 , loved it, on the subject of cheese for this flan, you can buy 2 strong cheeses nowadays, ones called seriously strong and the others called tnt ,, theyre nowt compared to 1978 cheese flan,,,,,,,, who has the recipe,,,,,,,,,,,,,someone cooked it,,,, c, mon show yourself

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I used to adore my school dinners. I was known to have "seconds" and "thirds" of cheese pie, absolutely gorgeous. Mmmm butterscotch tart with a swirl of cream, Manchester tart, a thick wedge of strawberry mousse, a "brick" of chocolate pudding with chocolate custard, chocolate "wagon wheels", lovely meat pies,creamy mash, cabbage, fried fish,cheesy croquettes, cooked ham, beetroot and the chips, oh god the chips!, you could smell them cooking and I would nearly faint with mouthwatering hunger, they were luscious.

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Just put "school dinners cheese flan" in the search bar and found a thread on the UKTV food website giving the recipe for cheese flan. Can't work out how to link it into this post tho. Will keep trying.


Try typing this in until I have worked it out.




As a bonus you even get the recipes for cornflake tart and artificial cream.


Good luck!

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