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Living nextdoor to smackheads!

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what's a girl supposed to do when your nextdoor neighbour is off their heads on heroin and crack cocaine most of the time.

What would you do in this situation, grin and bear in, report him to police or just hope he kills himself sooner rather than later!.

what would you do?....................

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deppends what you mean by personaly affecting me. it keeps us awake every weekend from about 1 in the morning till 7, 8 or nine o'clock with their music and their shouting and doors slamming. it wakes my children up it keeps me up all night with the noise so yeah it does affect me!

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I know exactly how you feel. It can get tiresome very quickly. I'd complain about the noise pollution - and ask the cops not to come to your place directly because you are fearful of repercussions.


Just remember, though - cocaine makes people paranoid and nost likely violent. You don't want yourself or your kids subjected to that.

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i know what you mean scozzie, i daren't really do anything though i did have a talk to him last weekend about not having the music so loud and for one night only it actually wasn't very loud!.

he his a bit of a psycho i've heard him several times having a go at people and smashing his house up. i don't want to be next on his list!

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In that case Julieh it is personally affecting you and definately needs to be sorted out. I believe there is somewhere that you can report noise nuisance to but having never (thankfully) had any experience of this I'm not sure of the procedure. I think thats the path that you will have to go down to begin with. I'm sure that somebody else with more knowledge will be along with some advice for you.

I can't begin to imagine what it must be like for you and your family but you have my full sympathy. My first house had paper thin walls but we made sure that we never made any excessive noise through consideration for our neighbours. People just don't seem to care about their neighbours these days.

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i have spoke to the environmental health people and they explained the procedure and as soon as they mentioned that they would write to him that was woah! we're not going there because he will know it was me. sooner or later someone will report him though and i know he will blame me. i told him this last weekend that he was upseting quite afew people on the street and that sooner or later he would get in trouble. I wish the police would just raid the house and get it over and done with.

it's half past one now and he's at it again, off his head with pink floyd on full volume and me i'm just sat here waiting for my kids to wake up.

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