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Living nextdoor to smackheads!

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Right Julieh, there’s 2 ways you can report this guy. And you can remain anonymous for both of them.

If its a council property you can call 101, they'll ask for your details but you can refuse and they still treat it properly. You can report him for both the noise and drugs.

The other is 01142202020, this is the police line for non999 calls. Pretty sure it takes you to the desk at snig hill. They'll be more than happy to have a look at it once you mention the drug problems. Again you can refuse to give details. not many do give details on this line.


Hope this helps

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Have you considered contacting 1970s rock band Smokie, asking them to re-release their hit "Living Next Door To Alice" to raise awareness of your plight? You could ask them to re-record the chorus as follows;


"Oh, I don't know why they’re leaving, or where they’re gonna go

I guess they’ve got their reasons but I just don't wanna know

'Cos for 24 years I've been living next door to smackheads

24 years just waitin' for a chance

To tell them how I feel and maybe get a second glance

Now I gotta get used to not living next door to smackheads"


Hope that helps!


Can we add the Chubby Brown bit too.....:hihi:

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no julado i am not just speculating, and yes i have interacted with him in the past he has lived there for about 8 years and was once a nice bloke. don't have me marked as some miserable old prude!.

i have had my suspicions for a while that there is drugs involved but hoped i was wrong. About 3 or 4 weeks ago when he was on one of his rants he was telling his mates in a very loud voice that he liked heroin and he liked crack and it didn't enter his head what they liked, so that kinda comfirmed it.

i dont stand curtain twitching or with my ear pressed to the wall listening to them , we live in a terraced house the noise carries, i wish i didn't know what was going on it's a sickening feeling when you realise what you are living next door to.


I am glad that you are not just making assumptions because of how it is affecting you.


I wonder what made your neighbour turn into what he is now.....that is very sad.


I have a friend who has been through the same addictions......he tells me that the heroin would just mellow him out....its the crack that would make him "unreasonable" when it comes to making noise and having his music up loud......possibly coupled with alcohol.


The only thing I can suggest is that you ring the council and put a complaint into the noise nuisance department.


My friend has also been in trouble for his loud music and ranting because of his addictions with the council and however much he tried the council would not tell him who had put the complaint in.


He now realises how unreasonable he had been during that time.


I hope you can get it sorted and that your neighbour soon recovers. :)

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deppends what you mean by personaly affecting me. it keeps us awake every weekend from about 1 in the morning till 7, 8 or nine o'clock with their music and their shouting and doors slamming. it wakes my children up it keeps me up all night with the noise so yeah it does affect me!


Usually I wouldn't advise calling the police, but I would now, because noisy neighbours need ****ing wiping off the face of this planet.


I HATE noisy neighbours, whether they're smack heads or clean as a virgin's muff.

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It's a coincidence that you know him, though eh?


I know enough about him to call him scum : he uses.


You know nothing about me, other than I call someone who uses scum, but infer I can't have an opinion unless I know him? Can you see your own hypocrisy?


Well, 'Liberal' Bell I personally think we are all entitled to have an opinion on vermin like this. Every victim of a druggies crimes is entitled to have an opinion. Especially, perhaps, the female student in her nightclothes who handed over her laptop at 5am to a knife-wielding junkie a few weeks ago on my road?


Or perhaps, we should be plumping these peoples pillows, mopping their sweat-covered brows and handing them fluids while they 'recover'?

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Do a mutual exchange with the old bat next door to me, at least then she will have some real anti social behaviour to complain about. Plus it is very quiet in our terrace.


I'm sure the old bat is woken by the sound of an innocently discarded chili-end on your return from the pub and nothing more ;)

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what's a girl supposed to do when your nextdoor neighbour is off their heads on heroin and crack cocaine most of the time.

What would you do in this situation, grin and bear in, report him to police or just hope he kills himself sooner rather than later!.

what would you do?....................



you poor sod, living in dread all the time not knowing if your gunna be robbed or ave summat nasty thrown over your fench! report the scum! theres gottta be nothing worse! what do ya do? befreind em? i think not, try to get em gone I'd say! good luck, god i hope you resolve your problem quickly! i certanly dont envy you, had the same problem myself before i moved to sunny sheff.

I know from past experience what grief this can cause you need to look after yourself and what yours!

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Unless they are personally affecting you then I would just keep out of it.

would you like it is some smackheads were living next door to you? ever had em? so do you know where they get rid of them "clean needles" .if a smaackhead actaully lived next door to you do you think you would share this lasses views on how hopeless she must feel??

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