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Old school headmasters & their nicknames


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Thanks Hillsboro, that's him. His wife my auty Iris died last year. They were a lovely couple. I still speak to their daughter Julia occassionally. I lived on Hollins Lane, not far from Goodison Cres as a boy with mum and dad Kath and Steve Worth. Did you know them also?



Frank Brooham was my grandad and Iris my grandma. I am the daughter of their son Stephen Brooham. It is so nice to hear that people thought highly of them. They were a lovely and unassuming couple. If there were more people like them the world would be a much better place!!!!


Apart from my dad, mum and brother and myself (i am getting married in April and will lose the Brooham name) i can't seem to find any more Brooham's. My auntie Julie has been trying to find our family tree but failing. You seem to know a lot about the BROOHAM's do you know if there are any left apart from us left?! Many thanks Donna.


Hi Donna

Sorry if this is a little late in reply.I don't know any more about your grandad and granma and the only contact I have now is with your auntie Julia.

I do wish you every happiness in the future and please give my best regards to your Dad.


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William ( or was it Walter? ) Humpstone, head of Chaucer School, aka Batman because he wore an academic gown...


Thats what we called Metcalfe(same school,73-76) for the same reason,his deputy,Mr Dower,was nicknamed Napoleon ,because he looked like old Boney.

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Hi Romust - are we talking Abbeydale Grammmar with Mr. Massey? He was known as 'Kas' in 1960 -1965. After Quasimodo. The hunchback of Notredamus. During that time he was the head of all the School. I see in another reply there is talk of 'Vince'. Cooper. He was just a viciouse PE teacher in my day. Buz was the deputy head - Kept bees. Rowdy Yates - after the cowboy. Caveman Thomas who was reputed to have been a wrestler by that name. I was later to become the manager of MFI in Wadsley Bridge and had Messers Massy & Cooper as customers. Very strange...

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Anyone remember Alan Goodfellow,head of Wisewood from late 50s to 67 and if so did he have a nickname?

I dont think mr goodfellow had a nickname,at least I never heard one. What a splendid headmaster he was.In fact Wisewood was a lovely school to attend.

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