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How to cope with Toothache?

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Owwwww, I'm cutting a bottom wisdom tooth and it really really hurts. Its not like Jaw pain, which I would take strong painkillers for, its more the gum and my cheek (which I now keep biting by accident). I've put up with it for a week now but its stopping me sleeping. :help:


Has anyone got any tips? I've gone through a tube of bonjela (which can't be healthy). Going to the dentist is absolutely not an option (I'm absolutely phobic). I don't think there's anything actually wrong with it anyway, it shouldn't be impacting as I had 4 teeth out for orthodontic work many years ago.


Please help!


P.S. Anyone that DOES say go to a dentist will be severely beaten. Yes I know its the sensible option, but it isn't going to happen!

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Yes they hurt and YES the dentist is the only way to go..


I couldn't wait on a list to have mine out I was in that much pain I sacrificed myself to the Students at Charles Clifford.. Never looked back.. (cos I daren't :hihi: )

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If I hadn't had teeth out before I would assume that that would be the way to go and surrender to the pain. But refuse to believe that they could be impacted having already had the 4 removed. I can't have these out too, having that few teeth just wouldn't be natural!!

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OK, you don't want to go to the dentist.


Go and pick a fight with a big bloke. With a bit of luck, he'll smack you with in the mouth, and the tooth will fall out.


Actually, most of your teeth will fall out.


He'll probably break your jaw as well, so you'll have to go to the hospital. But at least you shouldn't have to go to the dentists. And you'll have something else to take your mind of the pain.


Yes, this is a stupid answer.


But, by God, it was a stupid question.


Seriously though. At least see your Doctor before you do any damage to yourself.

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Originally posted by Abdul

Seriously though. At least see your Doctor before you do any damage to yourself.


Good Point :thumbsup: I nearly damaged my nerves which is why the pain was so bad.. Hence the sacrifice to Students at Charles Clifford :|

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Originally posted by Abdul

OK, you don't want to go to the dentist.


Go and pick a fight with a big bloke. With a bit of luck, he'll smack you with in the mouth, and the tooth will fall out.


Actually, most of your teeth will fall out.


He'll probably break your jaw as well, so you'll have to go to the hospital. But at least you shouldn't have to go to the dentists. And you'll have something else to take your mind of the pain.


Yes, this is a stupid answer.


But, by God, it was a stupid question.


Seriously though. At least see your Doctor before you do any damage to yourself.


Its honestly not a medical/dental problem, if it was, despite the phobia I would go to the dentist. Its just normal teething irritation and I was wondering if anyone had any tricks to help. I've already found one which is to use bonjela with a cotton bud instead of my finger so it actually goes on my gum instead of just my finger, so I'm feeling a bit better now.

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