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How to cope with Toothache?

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Originally posted by jester6881

Anybody got any advice or remedies to help ease tooth ache?Not meaning to sound like a big girl but its a pain i dont want and cant get into my dentists until next week


Can't they see you any sooner as an emergency?

My dentist is fantastic, if I ever have any pain they get me in the same day to see him.

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Trust me I really know how you feel, in the past 3 years I have been at the dentist every other month(not an exageration).

I have had to have 11 root treatments, 3 pulled out as the root treatments didn't work and a bridge put in.

.....and yes I do brush my teeeth regularly. My dentist says that I am just one of the unlucky ones who's nerves inflame easily then have to been taken out. This only applies to all my molars though and 2 of my wisdom teeth.

I thoroughly sympathise with you.

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hi every one im 15 and i think my wisdom tooth is coming though ive had this ain for a while now and i dont know what to do ive read some of your quote's and tryed some of your idea's but most of them dont worki dont no where i can get "clove oil"ive looked for tat but cant find it umm also im taking my sisters ibuprofen that she was given to by the doctor and that works for aboout 2 hours and i dont want to take a overdose ive tryed gurgleing salt water ........nothing ive tryed nurofen but that only last 30 mins im out of idea's can you please help me this pain is a pain in the butt


thanks a lot



P:S i dont want to get into a fight with a huge guy and make him knock my teath out:( :help: :help: :help: :help:

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