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Ex Miners ??


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I am a young Photography Student from Sheffield and would really like to talk to you if you were a miner. I'd like to find out about your experience and your opinions in retrospect. I'd also like to listen to soe of your views on the current economic situation , as I 'm sure you'll have some!

Of course as a photographer I would take some pictures.

It would be great to hear from anyone miners and there families.

Many thanks



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as an ex miner [1970s] imho this country has been turned from a self sufficient country into a cap in hand nation by the closure of the coal industry, we were told in the 70s there was enough coal in the yorkshire coalfield alone to power the UK for at least 700 years. its still there but who's gonna' dig it out now? its not just house coal, there's all the by-products from coal as well that we now have to import at the sellers price. as regards the greenhouse effect brigade, the technology to burn the stuff more enviromentaly friendlier was available in the early 1980s [installed at orgreave coke & chem' plant] so it must be available now.north sea oil-british gas who owns them? not sure its us brit's! not to mention british steel [whats that?] we've ended up buying stuff from other countries that we discovered-invented & utilised.

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