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Kann jemand hier Deutsch sprechen?

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Hi Guys,


wie schoen das ihr hier alle deutsch sprecht, dann brauche ich wenigstens nicht mehr mein Englisch trainieren.


Hatte irgendwer Lust Konversation auf Deutsch zu betreiben.


In return I want some conversations on english to train my english, I havent mastered it jet.


I offer german corrections insted.


Anybody up for having a Tee then and a german-english crossover conversation ??






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Grüß Gott alle zusammen.


Even though the SF is one of my major resource for information about Sheffield I have never seen this thread before.


I am a German native speaker, currently doing a postgraduate study here in Sheffield.


If the Stammtisch will ever happen I would also like to join, however as I am from the south of Germany (from Baden-Württemberg) I have quite a strong accent but I could try to help you keeping fit in German. (I am really surprised that so many of you have such good german knowledge)


Liebe Grüße,


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Ich habe fur viere jahre in Schule es gelernt. Aber das war langseit, und ich habe alles vergessen.

If not able to continue conversing in any language, even your own it can be lost. It's not like riding a bicycle, it needs constant practise. I speak french fluently, helped by many years in Quebec, as well as France and Belgium.

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SOunds like this could work out afterall. I used to go to a stammtisch whilst at sheffield uni. It works a lot better if a few native germans go. I alos used to do tandem learning - you know the score, speak for half the time in english and half the time in german. We could maybe do something along those lines.


Anyone free for an evening next week? We could meet in a pub somewhere relatively central (and reasonably quiet to allow conversation!). Any suggestions?


The Dev Cat is always good, especially as it sells Wiesbier. Admittedly not very great but will add to the german theme.


Treffen wir uns mal um einen Bierchen zu trinken!

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Sud Deutsch ist auch gut. Ich habe für 5 monaten in Bayern gearbeitet. Hier sagen die wenn das wetter nicht gut ist: Das Wetter heit ist net shae g?


That made me laugh. I almost had a bayerisches accent by the end of it.


Next week, lets name a time and place and see who can come:


How about wednesday 8pm Dev Cat?



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Ok so type yay or nay after this post if you would like to come to and will come to a meeting of German speakers on Monday at 8 in the Devonshire Cat.


rfg199 how many people will you be able to bring?


I'll pm a few people I think.


Herr Tim

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