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Space Crimes!!

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just been reading some links bout IISL "Anything that happens in a vehicle registered to a particular country takes place under that country's laws." but my ships not registred to a country its registred to me. does it still mean its the uk law?


Chucked the body out of the vehicle

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just been reading some links bout IISL "Anything that happens in a vehicle registered to a particular country takes place under that country's laws." but my ships not registred to a country its registred to me. does it still mean its the uk law?


Chucked the body out of the vehicle


It'll probably be a long time before anybody finds the body, if there's anything left to find after the space vultures have had their pickings. So I wouldn't worry about it :thumbsup:

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I once knew someone who was training to be a lawyer specialising in Space Law. Apparently there are laws for who owns space junk for instance, or say if a piece of Russian space junk hit a US spacecraft and killed someone, then Russia would be responsible for that. Also the orbits of satellites etc. It is quite interesting if you think about it, but made for boring dinner conversation.

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