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Lots of Wii's for sale on here..

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Wii (lol!!) bought ours back in November, bought all the accessories, (2 of everything, guns, nunchucks, wheels, etc) and then bunged it on Ebay last month, as we hardly ever used it, not really all that good for me and my o/h, and the little 'un just had as much fun turning it on and off.

Absolute rubbish in my opinion.

Went back to playing all my Halflife games on the PC.

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  • 2 years later...
There have not been enough games for 'hardcore' gamers which is the problem. Plus when you have been to work all day you just want to veg out a bit with something, not bounce up and down on a tea tray (Wii Fit) or conduct an orchestra (Wii Music).


It's a console full of rubbish 3rd party 'shovelware' which fair enough appeals to young kids and people who never considered picking up a gamepad before, but I know loads of 20/30something gamers who got one and have now finally realised it is utter rubbish.


I am a 20 something gamer and I don't think it is rubbish. I also have a playstation but never play on that, prefer the wii. Other times will play games on ds or laptop.

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Talk about resurrecting an old thread :hihi:


Got it at Xmas '06, got rid by June '07 here.
Just to show the truth in the old saying that "only idiots never change their mind", I bought another some months ago for my daughter's playroom, and she particularly enjoys the flying game of Wii Sports Resort and a scuba diving simulator (Endless Ocean, I think?)


Still, she probably uses it about an hour a week, if that. The rest of (and clearly most of) her game-playing time is on BF1943 single-player tutorial and Halo 3/Reach coop with me (360), and the occasional bout of BF2 SP with bots (PC)...although she has now taken a liking to the Sims (1st one) - much more suitable for her age, says her Mum :hihi:

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