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Cervical Cancer Screenings

Have you been Screened since reading Jade Goody's story?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you been Screened since reading Jade Goody's story?

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Actually, since statistical research including virgins and nuns has shown that the cervical cancer is normally zero in that group, it would suggest that having a test, worrying about the result and having the resources spent for doing the test are all really unnecessary if you aren't in any danger of having the disease.


There was a very interesting study done which compared various female cancers using statistical figures from convents which obviously had a group of subjects who took no hormonal medication and never had sex so therefore never had babies.


The study concluded that whilst the rates of breast, endometrial and ovarian cancers were broadly similar to the background population (in fact in some cases they were higher- breast feeding is shown to reduce breast cancer risks later in life), the cervical cancer rate was effectively zero in this group.



BTW- I didn't vote because although I haven't had a smear test recently that has more to do with me not having a cervix any more than it does with me choosing not to have the test done ;)


I have also read this. However, if a woman has ever had sex with a man then she should be screened. There is a danger that because a woman's lifestyle no longer involves sex with a man/men then she no longer consideres herself at risk, which is not the case. So even lesbians who may have once had sex with a male/males still need regular screening.

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I have also read this. However, if a woman has ever had sex with a man then she should be screened. There is a danger that because a woman's lifestyle no longer involves sex with a man/men then she no longer consideres herself at risk, which is not the case. So even lesbians who may have once had sex with a male/males still need regular screening.


Yes- the 'non risk' group only applies if you have never had sex with a man.


I didn't mean to imply that lesbians who have previously had male partners were not at risk.

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Well i for one was guilty of putting it off for a long time, kept meaning to go but i never had the time. After watching something about Jade on This Morning i was straight on the phone making an apointment, got in the same day (luckily a day off work) and just got my results back all clear. I will be going on time in future!

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The rules regarding this seem a bit stupid to me, you shouldn't have to wait until you are a certain age before you are entitled to one, you should be allowed one upon request. Just because you do not sleep with men does not mean you are not at risk at all.



I've long passed the age when I should be entitled to one (I'm 34 in April). I am sure I could still develop cervical cancer regardless of whether I had ever slept with a man or not, perhaps the risk is greatly reduced or some such thing. I am uncertain, that is why I'll be speaking to my GP about why I've been told I am exempt since I have never slept with a man and therefore don't need to bother.

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I didn't vote because I'm due for one soon. I must admit that last time I kept putting it off though, not because I was embarrassed or anything but because I couldn't be bothered to go down to the docs. Stupid of me really. I'll make sure I go on time when I get my letter.

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Yes- the 'non risk' group only applies if you have never had sex with a man.


I didn't mean to imply that lesbians who have previously had male partners were not at risk.


Sorry medusa, I didn't mean to imply that that was your implication either! It was a general note of caution to any women reading this that if they had ever had sex with a man, then they still need to be aware that they need regular screening.

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I've just had a quick google and lesbians should also have regular screening.


About.com:cancer states:


The human papillomavirus (HPV) can be transmitted though lesbian sexual activity. The virus is transmitted through sexual skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. No penile penetration is needed to contract the virus. Lesbians can contract the virus from an infected partner through:



genital to genital contact


touching the genitals of a partner and then your own


sharing sex toys without first disinfecting


I know that there has been some raising of awareness of sexual health in the lesbian community, however, I also think it is a common myth that lesbians are not at risk.

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In light of the horrible situation Jade Goody has been put in, how many women of the forum have been encouraged to take a smear test? Is this because of her sad story directly? Have you been putting it off for a while and this made you realise actually you shouldn't? If so, whats put you off?


I for one will admit i've never had one as im only 19, but will be requesting one at the Doctors on Thursday as her situation, and many others, has really put things in to perspective as to how worth it two minutes of being uncomfortable can turn out to be.

Tess well done for having it done, while ur there ask why the age has been put up from 18 to 25? Its seems diabolical to me as i had abnormal cells from the age of 18 when i had my smear test first done( when u had to be 18) i think it is wrong to leave women until 25, i for 1 could very well be dead by now had i left it...dont u think? The uncomfortableness isnt all that bad and over before u know it, this is why i dont get why women choose not to have it done as it is a longer process to remove the cells...just have a smear test girls waz up wi it?

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