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Cervical Cancer Screenings


Have you been Screened since reading Jade Goody's story?  

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  1. 1. Have you been Screened since reading Jade Goody's story?

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In light of the horrible situation Jade Goody has been put in, how many women of the forum have been encouraged to take a smear test? Is this because of her sad story directly? Have you been putting it off for a while and this made you realise actually you shouldn't? If so, whats put you off?


I for one will admit i've never had one as im only 19, but will be requesting one at the Doctors on Thursday as her situation, and many others, has really put things in to perspective as to how worth it two minutes of being uncomfortable can turn out to be.

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I've never had penetrative sex with a man, so according to the rules I don't have to. My GP sent a letter to the powers that be exempting me...although, as my OH keeps telling me it shouldn't really matter and I should have a smear anyway, especially as I get older. I'll be discussing the issure with my GP the next time I go.

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I've never had penetrative sex with a man, so according to the rules I don't have to. My GP sent a letter to the powers that be exempting me...although, as my OH keeps telling me it shouldn't really matter and I should have a smear anyway, especially as I get older. I'll be discussing the issure with my GP the next time I go.


The rules regarding this seem a bit stupid to me, you shouldn't have to wait until you are a certain age before you are entitled to one, you should be allowed one upon request. Just because you do not sleep with men does not mean you are not at risk at all.

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i havent been for mine since the story broke...simply because its not due.


as soon as i get my letter through i always make an appointment and have done since i was 18.


ive never really been embarrassed about it- although i was very nervous for my first one. id rather have 2 minutes of being prodded than a nasty surprise.


lets face it, the nurses/doctors who do them have seen more lady bits than ive have hot dinners....and ive had a lot of hot dinners! lol




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I'm only 19 - anyone any clues how I go about getting one free on the NHS seeing as i'm not actually old enough yet??


is there any history in your family of cervical cancer? this would obviously make you more of a priority candidate.


other than that, im not sure- clearly the guidelines have changed significantly since i had my first test.




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I'm only 19 - anyone any clues how I go about getting one free on the NHS seeing as i'm not actually old enough yet??


I doubt they will give you one Tess. Although I'm not 100% sure of the rules. I bet a lot of women under the age of 25 will be worrying about this now.

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It's shocking that they have raised the age to 25...my mum is desperate for me to have one (though i'm 25 in a few months no much longer now). She enquired and as there is nothing in the family history they said I would have to have one privately.

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